Monday, May 25, 2015

This Is the Day That the Lord Has Made

"Not that I speak from want; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am" (Philippians 4:11)

One of the most humorous posters that I have ever seen, beloved, was of a toddler in a high chair who was quite literally "wearing" his supper!  His head was covered with spaghetti noodles and his face, arms, and chest with sauce.  And as cute and funny as that picture was, what really made it complete for me was the caption beneath it.  In large letters were these familiar words:


And judging by the virtual ear-to-ear grin on that little guy's face, he was certainly "glad" in all of that spaghetti mess!

I find a wonderfully appropriate lesson for us as adults today in the image that I have described for you here.  Do we really believe that in every circumstance of life that "this is the day that the Lord has made"?  When we are circumstantially splattered with the noodles and sauce of everyday living, can we actually "rejoice and be glad in it"?  The confident declaration of the Apostle Paul to the church in Philippi lets us know clearly what his own personal reply to this question was:

"I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am"

If you know anything at all about Paul's life, beloved, you know that in many circumstances he found himself "splattered with spaghetti sauce"!  Life was tough for the apostle more times than it was not.  Yet he faced each day with the certain conviction that it was indeed the day that the Lord had made and he was determined to be content in it.  He was able to do that because he believed with all his heart that God is in complete control.  His circumstances were meant to glorify God and to strengthen Paul in his daily walk.  Can you and I have the same conviction today, beloved?  Can we take on life's splatter and declare with assurance that "this is the day that the Lord has made"?  We can if we know that God loves us and only desires His best for our lives!  So enjoy your spaghetti!


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