Sunday, January 1, 2012

Chaxting the Truth in Love?

"But speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ" (Ephesians 4:15)

All right, I admit it! Out of necessity more than for any other reason I have joined the ranks of "texters." The recent purchase of a new cell phone included a texting keyboard, so I was off and running. Actually, I love keeping up with my kids via the medium of texting though a latecomer to this crazy medium of communication.

Here we are at the outset of a brand new year, beloved! If you are anywhere near my age bracket (or even older, dare I say?) then you will certainly remember New Year's resolutions and how much fun it was to make them, though secretly we all knew we would likely never keep them. So what would be a wonderful New Year's resolution for us to consider seriously, especially those who are followers of Jesus Christ? The Apostle Paul in his letter to the saints in Ephesus has a very clear answer for us. As he challenged the believers of that city, so through the wonder of the written Word he challenges us today to "speak the truth in love."

Speak the truth - now there's a novel thought, especially considering the flow of political give-and-take coming out of the current campaign rhetoric. I don't know about you but I'm having a tough time telling what the truth is and what it is not! But think about it, beloved. Should that not be all the more reason for us as Christians to "speak the truth in love" in all of our relationships, in all of our dealings with a world that seems to have lost the handle on this vital commodity? It seems to me that what is "truth" has become whatever is most convenient to affirm at any given moment!

How important is it for us as followers of Christ to speak the truth in love in our daily walk? Paul went on to say that it is absolutely essential to growing up spiritually and growing into the likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ. For us, then, speaking the truth in love is everything! If we are ever to have the impact upon our world that God has put us where we are to have, then we must begin with this most basic necessity - to "truth it" in all of our communication! Come what may, cost what may, we need to speak the truth of God in tenderness and with a loving heart.

As I was concluding a chat with my west coast daughter recently via my brand new texting machine, I casually signed off with the comment that I would "chaxt" with her later. Now I don't know whether or not that term is original with me, but personally I've never heard it before. So for me it is and I think I'll hang on to it. So whether you are chatting, texting, or chaxting, remember in this brand new year to always speak the truth in love!

What about tweeting? I'll have to hold off on that for a while. After all, I just discovered texting!
