Thursday, July 22, 2010

Listening to the Voice of the Shepherd

"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they shall never perish; and no one shall snatch them out of My hand" (John 10:27-28)

I love to listen to the preaching of Dr. Charles Stanley, beloved, just as many other believers do as well! Recently he was speaking on the subject of Jesus as our Shepherd and related his own personal experience of being in the Holy Land with a tour group and of stopping by a well to rest. As they sat there, says Dr. Stanley, two groups of sheep led by individual shepherds approached the well from opposite directions. Instantly the two flocks merged and were indistinguishable from each other. The two shepherds stood and chatted for a brief time while their sheep were watered. Finally, each of the shepherds spoke something to that mingled mass of sheep and each moved off in a different direction. Without any confusion at all, the sheep separated themselves and moved off in the direction their particular shepherd had taken. Just as easily as they had mingled themselves, they separated into the same two flocks and followed the voice of their shepherd. Simply, they did so because they had come over time to know that voice and to follow it.

Note here what Jesus said about you and me as Christians, beloved, about our relationship with Him as our Shepherd. He said first that we "hear" His voice. Every true believer is indwelt by the Spirit of God and one of His works within us is to make sure that we can "hear" the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ as He seeks to guide us daily as our Shepherd. But we have to first be listening, don't we? Are you listening for the voice of Jesus each day?

Then Jesus said that He "knows" us personally. That is the sole essence of the gospel, beloved! Jesus said that one day some will come to Him and claim to belong to Him, but He will reply by saying to them, "I never knew you" (Matthew 7:23). The essence of the gospel is a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ! We cannot be His "sheep" if we do not know Him and we cannot know Him if we have not put our trust in Him as Savior and Lord.

Jesus also said that we as His flock will "follow" Him. Did you know, beloved, that in the original language of the New Testament the word "follow" refers to walking in the same direction as? So it is not enough just to go to church and call yourself a Christian. We must actually be willing to let the Shepherd lead and follow Him wherever He may lead.

The final image that I want to share with you from these words of Jesus, beloved, is that of a shepherd's commitment to the sheep to the point of a willingness to sacrifice himself for them. It was said of the Palestinian shepherd that at night he would lay down across the only entrance to the sheepfold so that any predator wishing to get to the flock had to get through him first. Jesus as our Shepherd did that very thing when He went to the cross to bear our sins upon Himself! Consequently, He is able to say to us and of us that we shall "never perish."

How well can you hear the Shepherd's voice today, beloved? How closely are you listening? Are you willing to follow that wonderful voice and to walk where He leads? You will if you are truly of His flock!
