Thursday, November 18, 2010

That Loving Line in the Sand

"If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up" (Daniel 3:17-18)

Everyone has undoubtedly heard the term "drawing a line in the sand," beloved. This phrase speaks descriptively of one who takes a stand on an issue and refuses to back down from it or cross it in violation of his conscience. As Christians today, we are often called upon to "draw a line in the sand" and take a stand for what is right.

In the familiar account of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego in the fiery furnace, we find three servants of God who definitely drew their own line in the sand! Given the ultimatum to either bow down and worship an idolatrous image in Babylon or to suffer the wrath of the king, they made their position clear in a way that left everyone present, including Nebuchadnezzar, with no doubt whatsoever about where they stood. And it is in their example that we find wonderful lessons for those lines in the sand that we at times are called upon to draw today.

Note first that in responding to the king of Babylon, they showed him the courtesy and respect his position deserved. The problem with far too many "lines in the sand" today, beloved, is that they lack the loving attitude which every believer ought to present. Very simply, we do not have to be mean-spirited in taking a stand for Jesus Christ! The three Hebrew servants of Jehovah were not and we must not be today either.

Note next that they made clear that their trust was in God's "ability" and not in His actions. As I heard one preacher describe it, they "left room for God to be God." Imagine how embarrassed they would have been had they declared that God would never allow them to be cast into the furnace! They chose not to presume upon God's actions, but rather to trust in His ability. God may just have a different plan than the one you are imagining, beloved! Leave room for Him to "be God" in your life.

Note also that they exhibited to those present an unswerving resolve as to what they would and would not do. Leaving room for God to be God - "even if He does not" - they declared to the king that they would absolutely not bow down in obedience to to a wrongful edict and worship a false god. We simply cannot ever put a price-tag on our commitment to Jesus Christ, beloved! Our faithfulness must become for us a "non-negotiable" issue.

And though they went into the furnace as threatened, God did a work in and through them that was far greater than if He had simply kept them from the furnace in the first place. The king recanted, admitted his error, and declared Jehovah to be "the Most High God." Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego had drawn a loving line in the sand and God honored their devotion and used their faithfulness to bring Himself great glory.

In every generation, beloved, lines in the sand will have to be drawn. Perhaps you have some experience already with drawing them. But how we draw them and whom we honor in doing so is of paramount importance! Draw loving lines, beloved. God will work through you as He did through them.
