"O taste and see that the Lord is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!" (Psalm 34:8)
"Have a blessed day!" How many times has someone said that to you, beloved? Or how about the ever popular "God bless you!"? The issue of being "blessed" is certainly one with which we seem to be fascinated today, judging by our choice of expressions anyway.
You will forgive me, I am sure, if I share thoughts with you in this devotion which are a bit more personal, a bit closer to home than usual. There is absolutely no doubt about it - I am a blessed man! I have the most wonderful wife that any man could ever be so "blessed" as to have. She is a treasure to me and, as the writer in the book of Proverbs says: "Her worth is far above jewels" (31:10). So in that one sense alone I have been privileged to "taste and see that the Lord is good"!
Then there are my three wonderful kids. Kids? I'm not sure they would appreciate me calling them that since they are 42, 40, and 37 respectively. But make no mistake about it, beloved, our two daughters and our son are the best! They are wonderful parents in their own right and I love the way that they love their mother and how much they respect her and look up to her. Nor could I possibly forget to say how blessed I am with the "in-law" kids that marriage has brought to me. Our two sons-in-law and our daughter-in-law are simply the best! All of that is another "taste" of God's goodness that just keeps bringing me back for more!
And have I shown you pictures of my grandchildren yet? No? Then you've just got to see them! Those 4 girls and 5 guys fairly make their Pop's vest buttons burst with pride. When I think about them, I am afraid that I am guilty of getting that famous "Jello pudding grin" you've been seeing on the commercials. How good God has been in blessing me with each one of them!
Another "taste" of God's goodness comes in the form of my extended family, both by blood and by marriage. Too many to possibly name here, they know who they are and know how much I love them and appreciate them.
One very special "taste" of God's goodness has been for many years and still is today the blessed privilege of being able to share His Word with believers as a pastor and preacher of the gospel. Very simply, I have been blessed to have the best "job" in the world! I cannot even begin to count the blessings that have accrued to me because of this one taste of God's goodness. Some of the most wonderful friends whose love I enjoy now have been my stalwart companions in the vineyard of God's kingdom. I cherish every one of them and praise God for them.
On and on my list of ways that the "taste" of God's goodness in my life is delicious could go, beloved. But let me simply bring this to a close by saying that the most glorious proof of God's goodness is without a doubt the blessing of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I could 'rare' back and shout whenever I think of how His love and mercy have washed over me again and again! O to be sure, God is good! So how does God "taste" to you, beloved? I hope that you can say with me that He tastes "good"!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
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