Until I read my son's most recent blog post, beloved, I had no idea what the Spirit of God was leading me to write for my own blog this week. Just a short while ago I remembered that I had received an e-notice of his post and I took the time just a few moments ago to read it. Then I went back and read it again. One illustration that he used spoke a precious truth to my heart so powerfully that I want to share it with you. Ready? People are what we do! As Christians all that we do in following Jesus Christ is all about people. Do yourself a favor and visit Jerry's blog site and read his latest post carefully. I will try to remember to include his blog address at the end of this devotional.
In his blog post Jerry suggested that we visit a store that sells gold fish and other varieties of tropical fish. He said for us to go to the most crowded tank that we can find and try to single out one of the fish in that tank and keep our eye on it as it swims about. Then he added this wonderful challenge: turn around quickly one time and then try to reconnect with that same fish you had just been watching!
What is the point? The point to me is that we need to learn to make people our focus in life. Not church committee meetings. Not choir practice. Not programs. But people! Unfortunately, as we have all learned the hard way, our lives as Christians become so busy that we "lose sight" of the very people to whom we are supposed to be ministering the love of Jesus Christ (remember spinning around in front of the fish tank?). We get so tied up with schedules and agendas that we forget all about people!

The Apostle Paul must have faced the same problem with the church in his day because of what is recorded above that he wrote to the saints in Philippi - regard one another as more important than yourself. I dare you to try to carry out that command of God, beloved, without really focusing intimately upon people! Dare I say it again? People are what we do! Success in ministry can't be gauged by budget line items or packed pews or great choirs or (shut my mouth!) gifted preachers. It can only be gauged by the impact that we make on the lives of people one person at a time and one day at a time.
I really don't have a handy ending to this devotional, beloved, so let me wrap it up by once again reminding you even as I remind myself as one who stands regularly in a pulpit that people are what we do. So take a good look around you. Take a good look at your church. Then ask yourself this question: "What eternal differences are we making in the lives of people in our community?" Answer that question honestly and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.
By the way, Jerry's blog site address is jerrythinks.wordpress.com. I invite you to check it out and read the entire article. It will speak to your heart!