"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you" (John 14:18)
The thought of anyone being an "orphan" brings out the tenderest thoughts in most everyone, beloved, especially if those orphans are small children. How vividly I recall visiting an orphanage in South Korea while serving there during my time in military service. I was deeply touched by the plight of those children whose parents were not there to care for them. The apostle James urged his readers as believers to minister to the widows and orphans and referred to such ministry as "pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father" (James 1:27).
In His words to His disciples the night of His betrayal, Jesus told them that He would not leave them " as orphans." It is interesting that the King James Version translates the Greek word orphanous as "comfortless." Whenever we think of orphans, we often see them as "comfortless" because of having no families to love them, affirm them, and meet their needs. The wonderful promise of Jesus to His disciples on that night and to us today through them is that He would not leave them and will not leave us as if we were "orphans." In other words, He intends to develop such an intimate relationship with us that we will never feel alone in this world of sin and sorrow! The apostle John nailed down the surety of this relationship when he wrote:
"See how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God; and such we are. For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him" (1 John 3:1).
Jesus wanted the disciples to know, and we need to learn the same truth today, that He would never under any circumstances leave them to fend for themselves in this world. He has sent the Holy Spirit to abide within us forever, the assurance of His very own presence with us. Beloved, we are never alone in any circumstance of life as Christians! We are not "orphans" in this world of sin, but find our identity in Jesus Christ as sons and daughters of the Most High God. Circumstances may entice us to feel alone, but in reality we are not alone. We are indwelt by the Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9) and are members of God's own family. Whatever we may face here, we never face it alone.
And even though Jesus' promise to them that night - "I will come to you" - spoke directly of His pouring out of the Spirit upon them on the day of Pentecost, still there is comfort for you and me today in those words. One day Jesus will "come to us" and will catch us away to be with Him forever. Until that day, beloved, we must remember that, come what may, we are never alone! If you want to know the comfort of His daily presence, get to know Him more intimately through His Word and through your daily walk with Him. We are not orphans! May God bless your service with His presence and His power.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
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