Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Cell Phone in My Pocket

"The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God" (Romans 8:16)

My children are very important to me, beloved, as are my grandchildren and, for that matter, my entire extended family! Bev and I are blessed by God to be a part of a wonderful family and they are such a vital part of our lives. Earlier today I was relaxing in my recliner when the thought occurred to me that I was not sure where my cell phone was. I reached down to my front pocket and, thankfully, there it was. My immediate thought was - "Good! Just in case one of the kids might call!"

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we as Christians were as interested in staying in tune with the Spirit of God as we are in keeping in touch with our family members? Naturally the one does not exclude the other, but should we not exert as much energy connecting with the Holy Spirit within us as we do staying in touch with loved ones from whom we may be separated by distance?

Clearly in the words of the Apostle Paul to the saints in Rome it is the desire of the Spirit of God to stay in touch with us! It is He who bears witness with our spirit, He who initiates the relationship and ever seeks to keep it strong. It is He who wants to keep us in the most intimate contact with our heavenly Father and it is He who will go to any length necessary to remind us of that need within our lives. And the good news is, beloved, you don't need a cell phone to stay in touch with Him! Nor do you need to send him a "friend request" on Face Book. He's right there within your spirit, ever longing to commune with you in the most glorious way possible.

So stay in touch with the kids and grandkids, by all means! But by all means as well, stay in touch with the Spirit of the living God. He has things to tell you and to show you that you absolutely won't believe!
