Here, Use My Name
"And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. And for an entire year they met with the church and taught considerable numbers; and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch" (Acts 11:26)
Have you ever been surprised to see your name appear on a movie marquee or list of credits, beloved? Recently I was watching an old Clark Gable film and just scanning through the cast of actors and actresses playing roles in that production. I was surprised to see the name of well-known actress Marjorie Main playing a character in the film whose name was "Mrs. Varner." Now you must understand that I don't see our family name appear in many public venues such as that so it was a bit unusual and caught my eye! It certainly made me wonder, since I had not seen anything but the end of the film, just what kind of character "Mrs. Varner" had been.
The history of the early church tells us that followers of Jesus Christ first began to be known as "Christians" in the city of Antioch in Syria. Christians. Now there is a name by which to be called! It is as if Jesus has said to each one of us who have chosen to trust Him and serve Him, "Here, use My name." And as idly curious as I may have been recently in wondering just what kind of character "Mrs. Varner" turned out to be, you can rest assured that the Lord Jesus Christ is imminently more interested in what kind of people we as Christians are in our living as we bear His name!
You see, beloved, when Jesus said to us, "Here, use My name," He wasn't just sticking a name-tag on our chest for all the world to see. He was associating Himself with us as surely as we by faith through grace have associated ourselves with Him. One reality that we seem to forget all too easily today, myself included, is that it is a big deal to be called by the name of Jesus Christ. In fact, there is no "bigger deal" in the whole world than that! And do you know why wearing the name of Jesus is so important? Because those early believers in Antioch did not get tagged with that name simply because a group of people got together one day and someone said, "Hey, I've got an idea! Let's call these guys Christians!"
The early believers came to be known as "Christians" because of the way they lived, beloved, and for no other reason than that. When you wear someone's name, you take on that person's interests and priorities. That is precisely why Jesus told His followers what their primary goal in life should be.
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you"
(Matthew 6:33)
So Jesus has said to each one of us, to you and to me - "Here, use My name." And in so doing He has the right to expect us to live up to that name, to live for the glory of the One whom that name represents. He expects us to be everything that He in His heart desires for us to be. I may not ever find out what kind of character Marjorie Main was in playing the role of "Mrs. Varner" in that movie, beloved, but I sure do know what kind of person I need to be as I wear the name of Jesus Christ as my banner before my world!