Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A New Wind Blowing?

"Every man's way is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the hearts" (Proverbs 21:2)

Have you heard the latest "buzzword" bouncing around the mainstream media, beloved, and destined to become more familiar to us all in days ahead?  That word is "inclusive."  By media definition, to be "inclusive" means that we accept everyone's standards and ideals as their own and that, consequently, there are no more set standards for what is right and wrong.  The recent votes on legalizing marijuana and gay marriages and euthanasia surely made that point clear!

Every person doing what is right in his own eyes and expecting no accountability for his choices is certainly nothing new.  In fact, the people of earth have all been through this cycle before and as far back as the generation in which Noah lived.

"Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually" (Genesis 6:5)

Do you have any idea what society in Noah's day was plagued with, beloved?  It was clearly a sense of the need for "inclusiveness"!  Everybody is free to do what he wants to do and that is his human right.  And what was the result?  God judged sinful man for his inclusive attitude and a world-wide flood wiped out everything and everyone except Noah and his family.

So here we are in 2012 being told that we basically as conservatives lost this presidential election because we have not learned how to be "inclusive" enough.  In other words, live and let live.  Toss out the standards of right and wrong.  To your own self be true.  What the other guy does is none of your business.  Learn to look the other way.

Unfortunately for those who hold to such a misguided philosophy of living, no one has bothered to ask God what He thinks of it.  Did you notice what the writer of Proverbs here had to say?  He said that "the Lord weighs the hearts."  Do you know what that means?  It means that when it comes to right and wrong, when it comes to every man setting his own standard for how he lives his life, God is not "inclusive" at all!

So maybe we shouldn't say that there is a "new wind" blowing across this land, but perhaps a "new old wind."  It's been thought before.  It's been planned before.  And it's been done before.  And the result has always and will always be the same.  God weighs the hearts of those who practice such things.  Pray for America, beloved.  I don't think she is going to like where her "new wind" is going to take her.
