Saturday, September 8, 2012

How Sound Are Your Investments?

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust destroys, and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" (Matthew 6:19-21)

Ask the average person what his "treasure" is, beloved, and get ready for some of the most unusual and eyebrow-raising responses imaginable!  We simply define "treasure" in as many different ways as there are people to whom you could put this question.  Even the government has weighed in recently, spending millions to tell us what our "treasure" ought to be.  Amazing!  Simply amazing!

What is so fascinating is that we have heard little or nothing concerning what God considers to be a wise and sound investment!  It is at this juncture, then, that we turn to Jesus and seek to find out what He has to say about where our "hearts" ought to be.  And when we do so, we find to our delight that there is no vagueness in His words, no "wiggle room" in His plan.

Jesus tells us as plainly and simply as He possibly can that we should not invest or "lay up treasures" here on earth as that upon which we build our sense of personal security.  Treasures that can be easily taken from us or which will not stand the test of time are simply not worth our time or energy.  So He advises us to avoid becoming "worldly-minded" in our approach to living in this present world.

What, then, is to be our wise investment?  Jesus tells us just as plainly and simply that we should invest in the kingdom of heaven!  Let our investments of time and energy and resources be deposited there for eternity's sake.  And to invest in the kingdom of heaven means nothing less, beloved, than investing in the lives of people.  Whether sharing the gospel with the lost around us or discipling new believers or seeking to meet the material needs of those without basic necessities, to make a "sound investment" in the kingdom of heaven is to invest in the lives of those for whom Jesus went to the cross and laid down His life.

Sunday, September 16, has been proclaimed as National Back to Church Sunday and I, for one, am going to promote it for all I am worth!  You see, it is through the visible church of the Lord Jesus Christ that we who are believers and members of His body can best make sound investments in the kingdom of heaven.  It is through the dedication of and use of our spiritual gifts that we can be sure that we are investing in eternity.

So I say to you in love, if you profess to be a follower of Jesus Christ but are not currently active in a local gospel-believing church, then please for the sake of the kingdom of heaven get back to church!  And if you are an active member of such a local assembly, then by all means find someone who is not active and invite them earnestly to get back to church!  

How sound are your investments at this moment?


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