Social Security - now there's a term that brings different reactions from people who hear it! As one who is now myself benefiting from Social Security income, it has amazed me to hear of late this benefit described as an "entitlement" despite the fact that as one of its recipients I have paid into it for my entire working life! Just how does something for which one has prepaid become an "entitlement"? But that mystery, beloved, will have to remain a subject for another day and another venue.
What I would like to share with you in this edition of devotional thoughts concerns the real "social security." About this God's Word has much to say to us today! In his letter to the believers in Rome the Apostle Paul dealt with a variety of relational or "social" issues that need our focus today as Christians. In verses 14 through 18 note the "action" words associated with what we can rightly call true "social security." These are matters that make for the kind of social security that we need desperately in this world of sin, beloved!
Note first here the basic command to "be at peace" with everyone. The security of any society depends upon its members learning to get along, to live in peace with each other. Nations with nations, states with states, counties with counties, cities with cities, and communities with communities - it all comes down to what each one of us does to maintain peace with each other. Paul has already dealt with the how of this command in such exhortations as these:
Bless and do not curse (v. 14)
Rejoice with those who rejoice (v. 15)
Weep with those who weep (v. 15)
Be of the same mind toward one another (v. 16)
Do not be haughty in mind (v. 16)
Associate with the lowly (v. 16)
Do not be wise in your own estimation (v. 16)
Never pay back evil for evil (v. 17)
Respect what is right (v. 17)
Rejoice with those who rejoice (v. 15)
Weep with those who weep (v. 15)
Be of the same mind toward one another (v. 16)
Do not be haughty in mind (v. 16)
Associate with the lowly (v. 16)
Do not be wise in your own estimation (v. 16)
Never pay back evil for evil (v. 17)
Respect what is right (v. 17)
All of these are part and parcel of what it takes for us to "be at peace with all men," beloved. This is the road to genuine social security as followers of Jesus Christ. Note, however, that Paul makes clear that it will not always be possible for us to accomplish such security - "if possible, so far as it depends on you." Not everyone will respond positively every time to your attempts to be at peace. That is simply a fact of life and should not discourage you nor cause you to quit. Take comfort in the reality that in each situation of life you have done all that you could to be at peace with those around you.
Social security is a wonderful gift, beloved, and I am not talking about the check that comes every month to those of us who are 62 years of age or older. I am speaking of that blessed sense of true peace that brings harmony and unity among brethren when we determine to live God's way. Enjoy your social security, beloved!
Social security is a wonderful gift, beloved, and I am not talking about the check that comes every month to those of us who are 62 years of age or older. I am speaking of that blessed sense of true peace that brings harmony and unity among brethren when we determine to live God's way. Enjoy your social security, beloved!
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