Thursday, December 29, 2011

10, 9, 8, 7, 6...!

"But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:13b-14)

The "big ball" is preparing to drop and 2011 is almost history, beloved, no matter where in the world you might be! Regardless of what you may have done or not done, said or not said, thought or not thought, this year is ending in a matter of hours. And by God's grace a brand new year is at the threshold of our lives.

As we each face the inevitability of another year's passing, another wall calendar stored away in that place where you put stuff you will never use again, how are we to feel? And even more important than how we feel, what are we to do? Note in the words of the Apostle Paul that the onset of a new year is a wonderful time to forget what lies behind. For all of us there are things in 2011 that need to be left there and not carried over to another year. Some good things, some bad things, maybe even some shameful things need to be let go from heart and mind. Whatever they are, though, it is time to deal with them and release them!

And why is it so important for us, as Paul put it, to be "forgetting what lies behind"? Because if we do not we cannot hope to be successful in "reaching forward to what lies ahead"! You see, that is the wonder of a brand new year, beloved. By the grace of God it holds challenges and opportunities for us that we need to meet head-on, to seize and make our own, to use for God's glory and for the advancement of His kingdom. And we cannot reach out and seize such opportunities if our hands are filled with what is left over from the past.

What will be accomplished, then, in 2012 if we are successful in forgetting what lies behind and in reaching forward to what lies ahead? We will be successful in "pressing on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." In other words, we will grow spiritually and develop in Christian character. We will be instruments of God's grace in the lives of others. We will realize that glorious potential for which God saved us in Christ Jesus in the first place.

So let the "big ball" fall, beloved! Let the old year end and a new year begin. Reach out with both hands and a heart full of faith to whatever God may have for you in 2012. Live it with gusto for His glory and for your good! Happy New Year!


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Greetings!

He has come!

Christmas is such a wonderful time of year for so many reasons: the gathering of family and friends, delicious meals together, the excitement and anticipation of giving and receiving gifts, and so much more! Still, for all that Christmas means to those who share in it, one reason stands out and beyond it all. Jesus has come! And because He has come, the Father's grace and mercy have been extended to us in love. We are invited to become part of His eternal family through faith in the One whom He has sent. Thus, the true meaning of Christmas is forever intertwined with the reality that He has come!

Is it not sad to you as it is to me that for so many people celebrating Christmas ends with the day itself? The tree is soon taken down, the decorations put away, and our thoughts turn to the new year and what it may hold for us. We do not look "ahead" with the same anticipation until once again the Christmas season rolls around the following year. Is that all, then, that Christmas is to us? Is there no ongoing anticipation of something good except that which takes place every December 25th? In answer to such pondering I would like to suggest to you that there is such a truth, such an event to which we should look with continuous anticipation and excitement.

He will come!

Just as He has come, so Scripture promises us that He will come again! The One whose coming we celebrate yearly is coming again in power and glory to rule and to reign over all men. For those who have put their trust in Him, He comes to take unto Himself. Thus, Christmas should never be just a seasonal event, but a celebration that goes on moment by moment and day by day in our hearts.

May the wonder of Christmas fill your hearts with joy this season and every moment of every day throughout the year. As you rejoice that He has come, may the prospect that He will come strengthen you with resolve to worship and serve Him faithfully. From our home to yours, then,

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

When Is Christmas Not Christmas?

"He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name" (John 1:10-12)

I just came in a few moments ago from the living room, beloved, where I saw on the early morning news one of the saddest stories out of our nation's capital that I have ever seen. The "franking commission" of our federal government has decreed that no member of Congress is allowed to wish his or her constituents "Merry Christmas" by mail using the franking privilege of office to do so. It is now considered a federal endorsement of religion for our nation's leaders to say "Merry Christmas" through the mail! You will not be surprised to learn that the first draft of these devotional thoughts was the result of that bit of national news.

So that begs the question: "When is Christmas not Christmas?" And the obvious answer? Christmas is not Christmas whenever people in this land forget for whom Christmas has been established! Have you noticed that this beloved holiday season has never been called "Clause-mas"? "Tree-mas"? "Ho, ho, ho-mas"? "Elf-mas"? "Reindeer-mas"? There is a reason for that, beloved. It is called "Christmas" because it is all about the person of Jesus Christ! And when any government, even that of the greatest nation on the face of the earth, forgets that fact then Christmas ceases to be Christmas.

Note the tragedy that unfolds in the words of the Apostle John as you see them printed here. The first step that leads inevitably to Christmas no longer being Christmas is that of people not knowing Him. In recent years our leaders seem to have done all that they can to put the national finger to the national lips in one resounding "Shhh!" of silence each time that anyone wants to mention the name of Jesus Christ aloud! Those who seem most intent upon protecting our national conscience have only succeeded in steering this nation away from the very faith upon which it was founded more than two centuries ago. Collectively as a people and individually as citizens, the sad fact is that each new generation of Americans simply does not know about Jesus Christ, must less know Him personally.

And when men and women and boys and girls no longer know Him, the second step in this tragic turn of events comes into play - we do not receive Him. Where people may not speak of Him publicly for fear of offending someone else' belief structure, it will not be long before His name is no longer present. Yet that seems to be the goal of these disastrous national decisions that are being levied one by one upon us as a people. The intent seems to be to remove the name of Jesus Christ completely from the lips, minds, and hearts of the nation.

The good news is, however, that to whatever extent the name of Jesus is squashed and squelched, to some extent there will always be those faithful ones who will stand up valiantly and proclaim His name joyfully whether anyone listens or not. These are those who have received Him, as John went on to say, those who are part of the family of God through faith in this very same Jesus whose name is now largely forbidden in public circles. These are those whom no federal decree or court decision will ever be able to silence. These are those who will sing and proclaim loudly come what may - Joy to the world! The Lord is come! Let earth receive her King!

I don't know for how much longer the internet will be safe from such restrictions as occurred today in Washington, D.C., beloved, and that really does not matter to me. I want to extend to each one of you a very Merry Christmas in the name of Jesus Christ, the One concerning whom this season has any meaning at all. Let Christmas be Christmas and let every true believer rejoice that, indeed, the Lord has come!


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Social Security?

"If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men" (Romans 12:18)

Social Security - now there's a term that brings different reactions from people who hear it! As one who is now myself benefiting from Social Security income, it has amazed me to hear of late this benefit described as an "entitlement" despite the fact that as one of its recipients I have paid into it for my entire working life! Just how does something for which one has prepaid become an "entitlement"? But that mystery, beloved, will have to remain a subject for another day and another venue.

What I would like to share with you in this edition of devotional thoughts concerns the real "social security." About this God's Word has much to say to us today! In his letter to the believers in Rome the Apostle Paul dealt with a variety of relational or "social" issues that need our focus today as Christians. In verses 14 through 18 note the "action" words associated with what we can rightly call true "social security." These are matters that make for the kind of social security that we need desperately in this world of sin, beloved!

Note first here the basic command to "be at peace" with everyone. The security of any society depends upon its members learning to get along, to live in peace with each other. Nations with nations, states with states, counties with counties, cities with cities, and communities with communities - it all comes down to what each one of us does to maintain peace with each other. Paul has already dealt with the how of this command in such exhortations as these:

Bless and do not curse (v. 14)
Rejoice with those who rejoice (v. 15)
Weep with those who weep (v. 15)
Be of the same mind toward one another (v. 16)
Do not be haughty in mind (v. 16)
Associate with the lowly (v. 16)
Do not be wise in your own estimation (v. 16)
Never pay back evil for evil (v. 17)
Respect what is right (v. 17)

All of these are part and parcel of what it takes for us to "be at peace with all men," beloved. This is the road to genuine social security as followers of Jesus Christ. Note, however, that Paul makes clear that it will not always be possible for us to accomplish such security - "if possible, so far as it depends on you." Not everyone will respond positively every time to your attempts to be at peace. That is simply a fact of life and should not discourage you nor cause you to quit. Take comfort in the reality that in each situation of life you have done all that you could to be at peace with those around you.

Social security is a wonderful gift, beloved, and I am not talking about the check that comes every month to those of us who are 62 years of age or older. I am speaking of that blessed sense of true peace that brings harmony and unity among brethren when we determine to live God's way. Enjoy your social security, beloved!


Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Gentle Reminder

"Put your hope in the living God, who is the Saviour of all, and especially of those who believe. Teach these things" (1 Timothy 4:9-11)

I was reminded recently about something I had forgotten, beloved, namely that there is a reason for all that we do as Christians and likewise for all that we endure along the way. I was thinking back over the span of my life, specifically of the years of ministry as a preacher and teacher of God's Word, and seeking to evaluate to this point what had been and had not been accomplished. I happened to be standing where my gaze could fall upon a small memento that I was given as a gift along the way, a wooden paper weight upon which is mounted a small silver shepherd's crook below which appears the word "Pastor" along with the Scripture passage listed above. I am not even sure of the particular translation from which this reading comes. But all of a sudden, I realized that the Spirit of God had given to my heart one of His amazing "gentle reminders" of what is really important in life. I cannot describe for you the sense of reassurance that it spoke to my heart!

I believe with all my heart that God is constantly putting such "gentle reminders" in our pathway, beloved, each one intended to keep our thinking and living focused upon the road that He has set before us. As the Apostle Paul reminded the believers in Ephesus, we have before us a life of "good works" which God has "prepared beforehand" and in which He wants us to walk as His servants (Ephesians 2:10). These gentle reminders, then, are intended to keep our attention fixed upon that life of service and those specific acts of ministry for the sake of His kingdom. So we can and should put our hope in the living God, trusting Him to keep us each stayed upon the path that He has for us to walk!

Have you been watching for those "gentle reminders" that the Spirit of God places in your path, beloved? What a blessing they are to us as we continually battle the wiles of Satan and his attempts to draw our focus away from where it needs to be! By our words and our deeds we have been commissioned to teach these things to others so that they too may stay on track and themselves watch for God's "gentle reminders."

Watch for them, beloved! God loves you and cares about your service too much not to remind you from time to time of all that is truly important in life. May God bless you and encourage your hearts as He points out to you His "gentle reminders" of His love for you and His plan for your life!
