Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Divine Collision

"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me'" (John 14:6)

Have you ever had occasion to make the statement concerning a particular event or set of circumstances that it was "inevitable," beloved? That it was "bound to happen"? It seems that there are many situations in life where we can see the inevitable coming, even if there is nothing that we can do to prevent it!

For us as Christians today there is definitely a "divine collision" within the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus made the very specific statement that "no one comes to the Father" except through Him. Have you ever thought about conflicting a statement that is? How it flies in the face of that kind of religious correctness that has become increasingly popular among church people today? Some years ago I had the opportunity to hear a very well-known and likable preacher being interviewed on a television talk show. He was asked directly by the program host if he believed that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father. To my great dismay, the preacher made it clear that he was not ready to say that all the other religions of the world do not have their own value in bringing men into relationship with God. He believed it for himself, but not necessarily for those who hold to other religious beliefs. Very simply, he was being religiously correct!

This is the point at which the "divine collision" confronts head-on every true follower of Jesus Christ today, beloved! At some point, if we are going to reach our world with the gospel, we are going to have to proclaim undeniably that, yes, Jesus Christ is the only author of salvation, the only way to eternal life. And we must do so for the simple reason that Jesus made that very claim concerning Himself.

In a world that calls such a conviction "bigoted" and "narrow-minded" and refers to those who hold to it as part of the "radical right," the good news is that this same Jesus is available to every person on earth. The Apostle Paul reminded the saints in Rome that "whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved" (Romans 10:13). It is the "whoever" that we need to proclaim with great joy, beloved! Yes, Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life. There is no other. But the good news is that this one way to eternal life is open to any and all who will turn to Him in faith and true repentance.

Don't be afraid of the "divine collision," beloved! Dare to take a stand in love and declare not only that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father, but that He welcomes all who come to Him in faith. Religious correctness will never save one person, no matter how well-intentioned those who espouse it may be. Only the shed blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from sin and satisfies the holiness of God. Lift high the name of Jesus! Let the "divine collision" happen!


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