Friday, May 21, 2010

Writing Your Own Love Songs

"And they sang a new song, saying, 'Worthy art Thou to take the book, and to break its seals; for Thou wast slain, and didst purchase for God with Thy blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. And Thou hast made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth'" (Revelation 5:9-10)

I absolutely adore those great love songs of the 50's and 60's, beloved! One of my personal favorites will always be "The Twelfth of Never" by Johnny Mathis. And who could forget that soulful sound of the Righteous Brothers singing "You've Lost That Loving Feeling"? Have you ever wished that you could put words on paper and turn them into songs that express the love of your heart for the love of your life? Who hasn't?

Writing your own love songs may seem rather trivial and even childish in the context above, beloved, but we actually are to be spiritual "lyricists" in our own right every moment of every day. How much do you as a Christian love Jesus Christ? The last time that you opened your mouth and sang a song of praise to Him whether by yourself in the car or in an act of public worship, did it come from your heart? Was it something that you really felt or just something that you were singing because it was the scheduled time in that service for everyone to sing?

John the Revelator said that the day is coming when those standing in the presence of the Lamb will "sing a new song" unto Him, extolling His worthiness to execute God's judgments against a Christ-rejecting earth. They will sing His worthiness because He has redeemed sinful man and has transformed those whom He has saved into an eternal kingdom, priests who will serve God forever. What a love song that all of heaven will hear on that day!

The psalmist declared that the Lord had "put a new song" in his mouth (40:3) and that is certainly true for every genuine believer! Is that what Jesus Christ has done for you, beloved? Luther Bridges, a Methodist pastor and evangelist from Georgia, wrote these words in 1910 following the deaths of his wife and three sons in a fire at his parents' home while he was conducting revival services in Kentucky:

"There's within my heart a melody,
Jesus whispers sweet and low,
'Fear not, I am with thee; peace, be still
In all of life's ebb and flow.'
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Sweetest name I know!
Fills my every longing,
Keeps me singing as I go!"

How are the love lyrics of your life coming along, beloved? What does the "melody" within your heart sound like? And just how often do you sing your own personal lyrics to the One who loves you so much that He went to the cross, took the full weight of your sins upon Himself, and hosed you down in the precious crimson flow? Jesus is listening for your lyrics, beloved. What is your heart singing to Him right now?


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