Thursday, April 2, 2009

No Man Cares for My Soul!

"Look to the right and see; for there is no one who regards me; there is no escape for me; no one cares for my soul" (Psalm 142:4)

NO MAN CARES FOR MY SOUL! Is that not the most mournful cry of the human heart ever uttered among men, beloved? Yet I was reminded recently of just how often this cry wings its way skyward from hearts that do not yet know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. How can those who do not have such a relationship with Him think much of us who do when we so often pass up God-given opportunities to share the good news of Calvary with them?

If you have visited my blog site, you have no doubt noted my recommendation of our son Jerry's blog which you can find easily at this site - - and I still encourage you to visit his site if you want a real blessing. Most recently he has posted a short video clip featuring celebrity Penn Jillette of the comedy team of Penn & Teller. Jillette relates on the video an experience he had just had with a man who was obviously a Christian. From the sounds of it, he was also a Gideon - businessmen known far and wide for the placing of the Scriptures in schools, hospitals, prisons, nursing homes, and more.

In the video clip, Jillette related how this man who had been to see his show came up to him afterward to tell him that he enjoyed it and to sincerely compliment him on his talent. By his own admission an avowed atheist, Jillette was surprised when the man presented to him a copy of the Gideon New Testament with the Psalms. In a non-aggressive and completely disarming way, according to Jillette's own account, this man shared with him the love of Jesus Christ. Jillette's response? He concluded his video clip by telling his listeners that this was a very "good man," and went on to urge those who have strong Christian beliefs to be bold in telling others. In fact, Jillette stated emphatically that he deeply respects those who have such beliefs and who believe them enough to try to "proselytize" others. By contrast, he concluded that he has no respect for professing Christians who will not speak up for their beliefs. The question which he then posed and that which utterly gripped my heart was this:

"How much do you have to hate somebody to believe that everlasting life is possible and not tell them that?"

As I watched the video clip and heard Penn Jillette's own words commending this believer who had the courage to confront a major star lovingly with the gospel of Jesus Christ, I began to be amazed at just how "right on" Jillette is. How often in our lives as Christians today, you and I who profess that we believe in Jesus Christ and love Jesus Christ and would do anything for Jesus Christ, we ought to be asking ourselves why there is yet left even one person in this whole wide world whose heart still cries out and says: "I looked all around me in my life and could find no one who cares about my soul"?

May God have mercy on us for our lack of compassion, beloved, and may He light a fire within each of us to let this lost world know and know now that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. I hope that Penn Jillette's own words, those of a professing atheist, will convict your hearts as they did mine. By the way, if you'd like to see the video, check out Jerry's blog site. Just click on the blog address link above and, once there, click on the word "March" on the archive list. Then, when you see Penn Jillette's face appear, all you have to do is hit the "play" button. God bless you.


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