"And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not behold Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you, and will be in you" (John 14:16-17)
I experienced today one of the most tender and heart-touching moments that I have ever witnessed, beloved! We were at the nursing home where Bev's mom resides and were about to leave. In the hallway outside her room, an elderly Alzheimer's resident was trying with great difficulty to move her wheelchair down the hall to the front lobby where many love to sit. Another resident, a man in a motorized wheelchair came up behind her and grabbed her chair, I thought to move it out of his way. Instead he asked her, "Are you having difficulty, ma'am?" Without waiting for a reply, he took a firm hold on the armrest of her manual wheelchair and "hit the gas" of his motorized wheelchair. I watched in amazement as he literally "towed" her to her destination before continuing on his way. He had actually come alongside her to help her and was able to see her through her dilemma.
"Not a big deal," some might say. But it surely is if you are an Alzheimer's victim confined to a nursing home and you can't get your wheelchair to work for you! What occurred to me instantly as I watched that special moment of ministry going on was that the Greek word Parakletos, recorded here in the words of the Apostle John to describe God's gift to us of the indwelling Holy Spirit, literally means "one coming alongside to help." What I was seeing played out before my eyes was for me a reminder of the work of the Spirit of God daily in my own life and in the lives of those who have a true relationship by faith with Jesus Christ.
Just as that "good Samaritan" came alongside to help that sweet lady in her distress, so the Spirit of God is present within us to "come alongside" and help us through whatever it is that we are facing. And in like manner, beloved, again beautifully exemplified by that unidentified helper today, we as believers have the responsibility to "come alongside" those into whose lives the Holy Spirit may send us. No matter what the need may be, we should be doing all that we can to help others along the way, especially along the path to knowing Jesus Christ and living with Him eternally.
I am pretty sure that the aforementioned gentleman today does not know that I witnessed his gift of grace and mercy. I am sure that he does not know what an impact his example made upon my life and what a reminder he was and is to me of what I need to be doing more of myself from day to day. The formula is pretty simple, beloved:
(1) Be on the lookout always for those who are stuck on the side of life's path, and
(2) Do whatever is needed to meet their need and to set them moving again in the direction that God would have them to go.
As you do that, you will be imitating the person and work of the Spirit of God in your own life. You will also be advancing the kingdom of God and you will certainly be exalting the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and pointing others to Him!
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Friday, September 26, 2014
Carnivorous Chickens?
"If you love Me, you will keep My commandments" (John 14:15)
"Stupid bird!" Those were my wife's precise words recently as she read once again the words "Vegetarian Fed Hens" on the outside of the carton of fresh eggs she had just purchased. You see, anyone who knows Bev knows that she and vegetables are not on the best speaking terms! In fact, when I pointed out to her that all chickens are fed vegetable products, her response was "Not mine!" Carnivorous chickens? Really? I suppose that in her world such critters might just exist!
We all love to play by our own rules, don't we, beloved? It is a trait of human nature as long as there have been human beings that we insist on deciding what is best for us and by what standards we will live our lives. Now in all fairness we have become civilized to the point that we do submit to some degree to people of authority over us. After all, lots of folks have bosses, children have parents, and all of us as citizens live under the watchful eye of Big Brother! But in our heart of hearts,we would rather have everything go our way, have everyone around us dance to our tune.
Jesus blew such a common trait of human nature to smithereens when He proclaimed to His disciples that if they truly loved Him, they would obey Him. And I am pretty sure that it is safe for us to assume that by "My commandments" He really meant all His commandments. No wiggle-room, no side doors, no back windows out of which to climb. Just straight forward, dead-ahead obedience, walking moment by moment in the will of the Lord. Jesus did not chew His cabbage twice on this point: the only real evidence that we even have a relationship with Him will be the degree to which we obey Him!
You see, beloved, being a Christian is not really a complicated issue at all. It means simply that moment by moment and day by day, I discover what the Master's will is for my life and then I go out and do it. Just do it. Otherwise, you are going to find yourself lost in that nether-world inhabited by unicorns and carnivorous chickens. You gotta love her!
"Stupid bird!" Those were my wife's precise words recently as she read once again the words "Vegetarian Fed Hens" on the outside of the carton of fresh eggs she had just purchased. You see, anyone who knows Bev knows that she and vegetables are not on the best speaking terms! In fact, when I pointed out to her that all chickens are fed vegetable products, her response was "Not mine!" Carnivorous chickens? Really? I suppose that in her world such critters might just exist!
We all love to play by our own rules, don't we, beloved? It is a trait of human nature as long as there have been human beings that we insist on deciding what is best for us and by what standards we will live our lives. Now in all fairness we have become civilized to the point that we do submit to some degree to people of authority over us. After all, lots of folks have bosses, children have parents, and all of us as citizens live under the watchful eye of Big Brother! But in our heart of hearts,we would rather have everything go our way, have everyone around us dance to our tune.
Jesus blew such a common trait of human nature to smithereens when He proclaimed to His disciples that if they truly loved Him, they would obey Him. And I am pretty sure that it is safe for us to assume that by "My commandments" He really meant all His commandments. No wiggle-room, no side doors, no back windows out of which to climb. Just straight forward, dead-ahead obedience, walking moment by moment in the will of the Lord. Jesus did not chew His cabbage twice on this point: the only real evidence that we even have a relationship with Him will be the degree to which we obey Him!
You see, beloved, being a Christian is not really a complicated issue at all. It means simply that moment by moment and day by day, I discover what the Master's will is for my life and then I go out and do it. Just do it. Otherwise, you are going to find yourself lost in that nether-world inhabited by unicorns and carnivorous chickens. You gotta love her!
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Joy Unspeakable!
"Therefore you too now have sorrow; but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one takes your joy away from you" (John 16:22)
The phrase "joy unspeakable and full of glory" is the title of a gospel song from 1900 written by Church of God minister Barney Elliott Warren. His inspiration came from the words of the Apostle Peter about the joy that comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ.
"Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory" (1 Peter 1:8, KJV)
Peter wrote concerning how, though the believer cannot see Jesus right now visibly, still because of our faith in Him and His finished work on the cross, our hearts are filled with joy, a depth of joy that it is absolutely impossible to adequately put into words. It is truly "joy unspeakable" and it ought to overflow our lives! It ought to be so infectious that those who are exposed to it when they are in our presence cannot help but notice that something is very, very different about us. We are not weird but we are joyful! As Barney Warren put it so well:
"I have found the joy no tongue can tell,
How the waves of glory roll;
It is like a great o'erflowing well,
Springing up within my soul"
It you could have seen the faces and manner of the disciples that final night with Jesus, beloved, you would definitely not have seen "poster children" for the joy of the Lord! They were anything but joyful, so great was their sorrow over His coming departure from them. And though He sought to convince them that their hearts would be joyful after a little while of sorrow, they just could not and would not believe it. It was not until after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost that the true transformation of heart and life began.
How infectious is your joy right now, beloved? If we are honest with ourselves, each one of us, we must confess that we are not always the most joyful people to be around. What are we showing to our world that will catch their attention and cause them to want to know what (or who!) has gotten hold of us? Let me encourage you to ask the Spirit of God to fill you to overflowing with the joy of Jesus Christ. Ask Him to let your life so flow with the abundance of His joy that it cannot help but wash over those who know you. It is truly "joy unspeakable" to have a living relationship with Jesus Christ and to be His ambassadors in this world so darkened by sin! Come on! Let the waves of glory roll!
The phrase "joy unspeakable and full of glory" is the title of a gospel song from 1900 written by Church of God minister Barney Elliott Warren. His inspiration came from the words of the Apostle Peter about the joy that comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ.
"Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory" (1 Peter 1:8, KJV)
Peter wrote concerning how, though the believer cannot see Jesus right now visibly, still because of our faith in Him and His finished work on the cross, our hearts are filled with joy, a depth of joy that it is absolutely impossible to adequately put into words. It is truly "joy unspeakable" and it ought to overflow our lives! It ought to be so infectious that those who are exposed to it when they are in our presence cannot help but notice that something is very, very different about us. We are not weird but we are joyful! As Barney Warren put it so well:
"I have found the joy no tongue can tell,
How the waves of glory roll;
It is like a great o'erflowing well,
Springing up within my soul"
It you could have seen the faces and manner of the disciples that final night with Jesus, beloved, you would definitely not have seen "poster children" for the joy of the Lord! They were anything but joyful, so great was their sorrow over His coming departure from them. And though He sought to convince them that their hearts would be joyful after a little while of sorrow, they just could not and would not believe it. It was not until after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost that the true transformation of heart and life began.
How infectious is your joy right now, beloved? If we are honest with ourselves, each one of us, we must confess that we are not always the most joyful people to be around. What are we showing to our world that will catch their attention and cause them to want to know what (or who!) has gotten hold of us? Let me encourage you to ask the Spirit of God to fill you to overflowing with the joy of Jesus Christ. Ask Him to let your life so flow with the abundance of His joy that it cannot help but wash over those who know you. It is truly "joy unspeakable" to have a living relationship with Jesus Christ and to be His ambassadors in this world so darkened by sin! Come on! Let the waves of glory roll!
Friday, August 1, 2014
The Spirit of God at Work!
"And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin, and righteousness, and judgment; concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me; concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father, and concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged" (John 16:8-11)
To attempt to describe fully the work of the Spirit of God in the world today, beloved, is a formidable task, indeed! Seminary libraries are filled with thousands of volumes that have been written over generations on this subject alone. Still Jesus, in His final night on earth with His disciples before going to the cross to pay the price for the sins of mankind, described for them graphically in very few words what the true work of the Spirit of God is in the world today.
In the verses above, note that the first work of the Spirit of God in the world today mentioned by Jesus is that He will "convict the world concerning sin." The recognition of each person's sinfulness before God is the one great essential if he is ever to know forgiveness and receive eternal life. That every man has sinned against God and stands under His divine condemnation is the deepest need of the human heart. It is the work of the Spirit of God to reveal to every person, then, his lost condition spiritually before God and his need of God's gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Jesus went on to tell His disciples that the Spirit of God would also "convict the world concerning righteousness." He told them that the "righteousness" about which He would convince the world can be found only in Jesus Christ Himself. The evidence that His is the only true righteousness is seen in the fact that the Father received Him to glory following His death, resurrection, and ascension and declared that with His righteousness He was truly "pleased." Thus, beloved, it is not the righteousness of any man, no matter how lofty his standards or how hardy his efforts to attain it, that God accepts. He only accepts the righteousness of the sinless Son of God and only in His righteousness can we find acceptance with the Father.
Finally, Jesus revealed to His disciples that the Spirit of God would "convict the world concerning judgment." Mankind has deluded himself into believing today that no such judgment is forthcoming, that God either cannot or will not judge the sinfulness of man. Man is only accountable to himself, so says the secular humanist, so there is nothing to fear. The work of the Spirit of God is to convince the world that this judgment is not only real but that it is inevitable and that no man will escape it. Jesus pointed to the fact that Satan himself had already been judged and would feel the full measure of God's wrath at the appointed time. Why, then, would God not judge sinful man when He has not allowed the Father of Lies to escape?
What is so exciting for every true follower of Jesus Christ today, beloved, is the awareness that we are each partners with the Spirit of God in His work in the world today! It is within us and through us that He seeks to work to let this sinful world know that salvation can be found in Jesus Christ and in Him alone. Ours is the blessed privilege not only to know Christ personally and to know the assurance of our own salvation, but to tell others about Him as the Spirit of God gives us opportunity.
So the Spirit of God is truly at work in the world today! The question that remains to be answered is whether or not you are working with Him?
To attempt to describe fully the work of the Spirit of God in the world today, beloved, is a formidable task, indeed! Seminary libraries are filled with thousands of volumes that have been written over generations on this subject alone. Still Jesus, in His final night on earth with His disciples before going to the cross to pay the price for the sins of mankind, described for them graphically in very few words what the true work of the Spirit of God is in the world today.
In the verses above, note that the first work of the Spirit of God in the world today mentioned by Jesus is that He will "convict the world concerning sin." The recognition of each person's sinfulness before God is the one great essential if he is ever to know forgiveness and receive eternal life. That every man has sinned against God and stands under His divine condemnation is the deepest need of the human heart. It is the work of the Spirit of God to reveal to every person, then, his lost condition spiritually before God and his need of God's gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Jesus went on to tell His disciples that the Spirit of God would also "convict the world concerning righteousness." He told them that the "righteousness" about which He would convince the world can be found only in Jesus Christ Himself. The evidence that His is the only true righteousness is seen in the fact that the Father received Him to glory following His death, resurrection, and ascension and declared that with His righteousness He was truly "pleased." Thus, beloved, it is not the righteousness of any man, no matter how lofty his standards or how hardy his efforts to attain it, that God accepts. He only accepts the righteousness of the sinless Son of God and only in His righteousness can we find acceptance with the Father.
Finally, Jesus revealed to His disciples that the Spirit of God would "convict the world concerning judgment." Mankind has deluded himself into believing today that no such judgment is forthcoming, that God either cannot or will not judge the sinfulness of man. Man is only accountable to himself, so says the secular humanist, so there is nothing to fear. The work of the Spirit of God is to convince the world that this judgment is not only real but that it is inevitable and that no man will escape it. Jesus pointed to the fact that Satan himself had already been judged and would feel the full measure of God's wrath at the appointed time. Why, then, would God not judge sinful man when He has not allowed the Father of Lies to escape?
What is so exciting for every true follower of Jesus Christ today, beloved, is the awareness that we are each partners with the Spirit of God in His work in the world today! It is within us and through us that He seeks to work to let this sinful world know that salvation can be found in Jesus Christ and in Him alone. Ours is the blessed privilege not only to know Christ personally and to know the assurance of our own salvation, but to tell others about Him as the Spirit of God gives us opportunity.
So the Spirit of God is truly at work in the world today! The question that remains to be answered is whether or not you are working with Him?
Friday, July 11, 2014
The Down Side of Following Jesus
"If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you" (John 15:18)
It has been quite some time since I sat down to put together a devotional blog, beloved, and I am glad to be doing it now at long last. We are working our way on Sunday mornings through what is known as "The Upper Room Discourse" of Jesus, His final night with His disciples before going to the cross. In actuality, these words were spoken after they had left the upper room and were on their way to Gethsemane. But we consider them as part of that discourse as well.
These may seem to us on the surface to be words that are dark and somber, but Jesus was seeking to reveal to His disciples just what it would cost them to walk as He had walked and to serve as He had served. He wanted them to know, as He does each of us today, that there is a definite "down side" to following Him in obedience. Here in verses 17-25 we find that He disclosed to them first of all that they would be hated by those who had hated Him if they were faithful in proclaiming the gospel message and in turning the hearts of men to repentance and forgiveness. If they chose to come out from the world has He had done, then hatred for them and their message would be the world's response to their ministry. That reality has not changed at all today!
Next Jesus revealed to them in the 20th verse that they would not only be hated but persecuted as well. You see, beloved, "hatred" does not like to stand alone but prefers to express itself in harassment and torture. It wants the object of its hatred not only to be silenced but to suffer for having spoken and stood in the first place.
Finally, Jesus let them know that because of being hated and persecuted, they would be totally rejected by the world (verses 21-25). Because the gospel message is rejected today, then those who proclaim it are rejected as well. Have you noticed that, while "religion" is tolerated and even protected, any who desire a "relationship" with Jesus Christ by faith are not? Have you noticed how fundamental Christianity is being blamed for society's woes? It is not that they reject our political views, beloved, as much as it is that they reject the truth of God that Jesus Christ is the only Way and the only Truth and the only Life!
Yes, there is a "down side" to following Jesus Christ for any person today who would choose to be faithful. But the most important truth is that, though we experience a "down" side in living for Christ, we are never "defeated." Do you recall what the Apostle Paul wrote to encourage the hearts of the saints in Corinth?
"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing greatness of the power may be of God and not from ourselves; we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed" (2 Corinthians 4:7-9)
Though a "down side" to following Christ, then, know that we remain more than conquerors through Him who loved us, beloved! Know that faithfulness to Christ, even bearing the down side of living as His servants in this world, is nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed one day to us and through us. Hallelujah!
It has been quite some time since I sat down to put together a devotional blog, beloved, and I am glad to be doing it now at long last. We are working our way on Sunday mornings through what is known as "The Upper Room Discourse" of Jesus, His final night with His disciples before going to the cross. In actuality, these words were spoken after they had left the upper room and were on their way to Gethsemane. But we consider them as part of that discourse as well.
These may seem to us on the surface to be words that are dark and somber, but Jesus was seeking to reveal to His disciples just what it would cost them to walk as He had walked and to serve as He had served. He wanted them to know, as He does each of us today, that there is a definite "down side" to following Him in obedience. Here in verses 17-25 we find that He disclosed to them first of all that they would be hated by those who had hated Him if they were faithful in proclaiming the gospel message and in turning the hearts of men to repentance and forgiveness. If they chose to come out from the world has He had done, then hatred for them and their message would be the world's response to their ministry. That reality has not changed at all today!
Next Jesus revealed to them in the 20th verse that they would not only be hated but persecuted as well. You see, beloved, "hatred" does not like to stand alone but prefers to express itself in harassment and torture. It wants the object of its hatred not only to be silenced but to suffer for having spoken and stood in the first place.
Finally, Jesus let them know that because of being hated and persecuted, they would be totally rejected by the world (verses 21-25). Because the gospel message is rejected today, then those who proclaim it are rejected as well. Have you noticed that, while "religion" is tolerated and even protected, any who desire a "relationship" with Jesus Christ by faith are not? Have you noticed how fundamental Christianity is being blamed for society's woes? It is not that they reject our political views, beloved, as much as it is that they reject the truth of God that Jesus Christ is the only Way and the only Truth and the only Life!
Yes, there is a "down side" to following Jesus Christ for any person today who would choose to be faithful. But the most important truth is that, though we experience a "down" side in living for Christ, we are never "defeated." Do you recall what the Apostle Paul wrote to encourage the hearts of the saints in Corinth?
"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing greatness of the power may be of God and not from ourselves; we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed" (2 Corinthians 4:7-9)
Though a "down side" to following Christ, then, know that we remain more than conquerors through Him who loved us, beloved! Know that faithfulness to Christ, even bearing the down side of living as His servants in this world, is nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed one day to us and through us. Hallelujah!
Friday, March 7, 2014
Dumbing Down or Wising Up?
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15)
A popular "buzzword" that has recently gained notoriety in media usage is the rather distasteful term "dumbing down." I heard it used just this week via the airwaves to describe the administrative leadership of New York City's decision to penalize certain charter schools by expelling them from public facilities they are using. And it is being done in spite of the fact that their students' test scores have far outstripped those of NYC public school students. Would that not seem to you to be an example of "dumbing down" a trend that should be nurtured and developed and encouraged? What is unfortunate is that throughout the halls of U.S. leadership we are seeing manifold evidence of this alarming trend at work!
What is even more tragic, beloved, is that we are seeing the effect of this same disastrous trend in the church of Jesus Christ as well. More and more members are opting for minimal learning and maximum entertainment in their worship experience. Yet Paul here urged Timothy to make his primary objective that of learning how to "handle accurately the word of truth." The only truth that matters today is God's truth, beloved, and the only answers that will meet people's needs are God's answers. Instead of "dumbing down" spiritually as Christians, then, we need to be "wising up" by studying His Word and learning how to apply it in every possible circumstance of life. Only as we do so will we never have cause to be embarrassed or feel ashamed because our ministry is shallow or ineffective.
A popular "buzzword" that has recently gained notoriety in media usage is the rather distasteful term "dumbing down." I heard it used just this week via the airwaves to describe the administrative leadership of New York City's decision to penalize certain charter schools by expelling them from public facilities they are using. And it is being done in spite of the fact that their students' test scores have far outstripped those of NYC public school students. Would that not seem to you to be an example of "dumbing down" a trend that should be nurtured and developed and encouraged? What is unfortunate is that throughout the halls of U.S. leadership we are seeing manifold evidence of this alarming trend at work!
What is even more tragic, beloved, is that we are seeing the effect of this same disastrous trend in the church of Jesus Christ as well. More and more members are opting for minimal learning and maximum entertainment in their worship experience. Yet Paul here urged Timothy to make his primary objective that of learning how to "handle accurately the word of truth." The only truth that matters today is God's truth, beloved, and the only answers that will meet people's needs are God's answers. Instead of "dumbing down" spiritually as Christians, then, we need to be "wising up" by studying His Word and learning how to apply it in every possible circumstance of life. Only as we do so will we never have cause to be embarrassed or feel ashamed because our ministry is shallow or ineffective.
Friday, February 28, 2014
A Couple of Guys Named Earl
"And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. And it came about that for an entire year they met with the church, and taught considerable numbers; and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch" (Acts 11:26)
I had originally intended to write this post quite some time ago, beloved. In fact, the idea has been simmering on one of the back burners of my mind for a while. It was recently brought forward when my sister changed her Face Book photo and replaced it with one of my mother and father taken around the time of their wedding in the early 1940's. Just seeing their beautiful faces reminded me that I needed to get back to this blog idea and "git 'er done."
You may have already figured out that the two guys named Earl are my dad and me. My grandparents gave him the name Earl as a surname (don't even ask what the "T" stands for in his middle name!). Then Mom and Dad gave me the name Earl as my middle name and it is one that I have worn gladly and proudly throughout my life. Wearing the name Earl for me is a true badge of honor. My father in his life was an honorable man, a man of dignity and integrity who loved his country and served it well. The photo that I have already mentioned shows him in his military uniform during WWII. On every bomber mission while on active duty he would crawl through that narrow tunnel in the belly of his B-17, strap himself into the tail gunner's turret and, with his fellow crew members, put his life on the line to defend liberty against horrible and perverted aggression. I guess you can tell from that bit of nostalgic rambling that I am honored myself to be a guy named Earl.
Although many of you no doubt have similar stories you could tell, the point that I really started out to make is that we all as followers of Jesus Christ have a koinonia, a "sharing in common," that is far more than just a couple of guys named Earl. You see, we each have the honor and the privilege of being known as a person named Christian. And with that privilege comes the most awesome responsibility that it is possible for any one individual to bear. We have the task of bearing that glorious name before the eyes of a watching world, most of whom do not have that privilege yet. They are watching you and me to see if they can figure out why it is so important for them as well to become a guy named Christian. And the decision that they will each ultimately make, though their own to make and their own consequences to bear, will still in great measure be affected by what they see in you and me.
So I am just a guy named Earl and you already know why it is such an honor for me to bear that name. But more than that I am a guy named Christian and it is my joy and my responsibility to bear that name as Jesus did. The reality for me personally is that I fall and I get back up. I fall again and I get back up again...but I never lose sight of the name that I bear and of the cost that Jesus paid to give me the privilege to bear it.
Say, how is that name fairing in your daily care?
I had originally intended to write this post quite some time ago, beloved. In fact, the idea has been simmering on one of the back burners of my mind for a while. It was recently brought forward when my sister changed her Face Book photo and replaced it with one of my mother and father taken around the time of their wedding in the early 1940's. Just seeing their beautiful faces reminded me that I needed to get back to this blog idea and "git 'er done."
You may have already figured out that the two guys named Earl are my dad and me. My grandparents gave him the name Earl as a surname (don't even ask what the "T" stands for in his middle name!). Then Mom and Dad gave me the name Earl as my middle name and it is one that I have worn gladly and proudly throughout my life. Wearing the name Earl for me is a true badge of honor. My father in his life was an honorable man, a man of dignity and integrity who loved his country and served it well. The photo that I have already mentioned shows him in his military uniform during WWII. On every bomber mission while on active duty he would crawl through that narrow tunnel in the belly of his B-17, strap himself into the tail gunner's turret and, with his fellow crew members, put his life on the line to defend liberty against horrible and perverted aggression. I guess you can tell from that bit of nostalgic rambling that I am honored myself to be a guy named Earl.
Although many of you no doubt have similar stories you could tell, the point that I really started out to make is that we all as followers of Jesus Christ have a koinonia, a "sharing in common," that is far more than just a couple of guys named Earl. You see, we each have the honor and the privilege of being known as a person named Christian. And with that privilege comes the most awesome responsibility that it is possible for any one individual to bear. We have the task of bearing that glorious name before the eyes of a watching world, most of whom do not have that privilege yet. They are watching you and me to see if they can figure out why it is so important for them as well to become a guy named Christian. And the decision that they will each ultimately make, though their own to make and their own consequences to bear, will still in great measure be affected by what they see in you and me.
So I am just a guy named Earl and you already know why it is such an honor for me to bear that name. But more than that I am a guy named Christian and it is my joy and my responsibility to bear that name as Jesus did. The reality for me personally is that I fall and I get back up. I fall again and I get back up again...but I never lose sight of the name that I bear and of the cost that Jesus paid to give me the privilege to bear it.
Say, how is that name fairing in your daily care?
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Garbologist at Work!
"...in order that no advantage be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes" (2 Corinthians 2:11)
I am indebted for the idea behind this devotional thought to a waste collection agency, one of its trucks anyway, behind which we found ourselves this morning and upon whose rear portion we saw proudly displayed the sign: GARBOLOGIST AT WORK! Garbologist! Don't you just love that term? What an intriguing title for the critical and beneficial work of garbage removal and disposal!
Even as I commented to my wife and chuckled about that sign as we passed the truck, the thought immediately occurred to me that there is a "garbologist" at work in the world today and that there is absolutely nothing "beneficial" about his activities. I hereby officially bestow upon Satan, the enemy of all mankind, the title of "Garbologist"! All that he plans and all that he carries out is nothing but sheer spiritual garbage in the lives of people. His primary goal is now and always has been to keep people away from the grace and mercy and love of God. Know this for a certainty, beloved, that Satan stands opposed to everything that God by His grace is doing in the world today. If that fact does not earn for him the title of "Garbologist," then I do not know what does!
The Apostle Paul in his second recorded letter to the church in Corinth gives to us a wonderful word of encouragement and source of hope in our daily dealings with the enemy of our souls. He first promises that there is no need for any "advantage (to) be taken of us by Satan." In other words, we do not have to find ourselves covered by the spiritual garbage that he seeks to heap up in our lives. We do not have to fall prey to his schemes or become victims of his lies. And the reason is simply, as Paul put it so well, that "we are not ignorant of his schemes." That is one of the most glorious promises in all of the New Testament concerning the potential victory of the child of God! The apostle told the Corinthian believers that we as followers of Jesus Christ are "not ignorant" of how the enemy works today. We not only know from personal life experience, but we know because the Word of God instructs us in how to deal with him and how to have victory over him. This same Paul exhorted the saints in Ephesus to "put on the full armor of God" in facing each new day.
"Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil" (Ephesians 6:11)
So there is no reason, beloved, especially as we face the onset of a brand new year, for any of us to fall prey to the "garbage" that Satan loves to sling: thoughts that are misaligned with the truth of God, actions that are not in keeping with what He requires of us, attitudes that are not glorifying to Him or edifying to one another, a lifestyle that is not redemptive because it does not point the way to the cross of Calvary.
May this New Year be for you one of complete and total victory over Satan and one of glorifying Jesus Christ in all that you say and do. And remember, always keep your eyes and ears open! There is ever nearby a garbologist at work!
I am indebted for the idea behind this devotional thought to a waste collection agency, one of its trucks anyway, behind which we found ourselves this morning and upon whose rear portion we saw proudly displayed the sign: GARBOLOGIST AT WORK! Garbologist! Don't you just love that term? What an intriguing title for the critical and beneficial work of garbage removal and disposal!
Even as I commented to my wife and chuckled about that sign as we passed the truck, the thought immediately occurred to me that there is a "garbologist" at work in the world today and that there is absolutely nothing "beneficial" about his activities. I hereby officially bestow upon Satan, the enemy of all mankind, the title of "Garbologist"! All that he plans and all that he carries out is nothing but sheer spiritual garbage in the lives of people. His primary goal is now and always has been to keep people away from the grace and mercy and love of God. Know this for a certainty, beloved, that Satan stands opposed to everything that God by His grace is doing in the world today. If that fact does not earn for him the title of "Garbologist," then I do not know what does!
The Apostle Paul in his second recorded letter to the church in Corinth gives to us a wonderful word of encouragement and source of hope in our daily dealings with the enemy of our souls. He first promises that there is no need for any "advantage (to) be taken of us by Satan." In other words, we do not have to find ourselves covered by the spiritual garbage that he seeks to heap up in our lives. We do not have to fall prey to his schemes or become victims of his lies. And the reason is simply, as Paul put it so well, that "we are not ignorant of his schemes." That is one of the most glorious promises in all of the New Testament concerning the potential victory of the child of God! The apostle told the Corinthian believers that we as followers of Jesus Christ are "not ignorant" of how the enemy works today. We not only know from personal life experience, but we know because the Word of God instructs us in how to deal with him and how to have victory over him. This same Paul exhorted the saints in Ephesus to "put on the full armor of God" in facing each new day.
"Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil" (Ephesians 6:11)
So there is no reason, beloved, especially as we face the onset of a brand new year, for any of us to fall prey to the "garbage" that Satan loves to sling: thoughts that are misaligned with the truth of God, actions that are not in keeping with what He requires of us, attitudes that are not glorifying to Him or edifying to one another, a lifestyle that is not redemptive because it does not point the way to the cross of Calvary.
May this New Year be for you one of complete and total victory over Satan and one of glorifying Jesus Christ in all that you say and do. And remember, always keep your eyes and ears open! There is ever nearby a garbologist at work!
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