"And the King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me'" (Matthew 25:40)
Hurricane Irene pounded our region for twelve hours, beloved, and I began to wonder if that storm was ever going to leave! Thankfully she is just a fading memory now and we can see blue skies with bright sunshine and people everywhere, cleaning up their own property as well as lending a helping hand to their neighbors. This past Sunday we could not hold regular worship services because so many people were still without power. I had the privilege of joining with other believers to help clean up the aftermath. As I stood there in the woods among the fallen limbs and toppled trees, my thought was one of great joy: "Here is the church being the church!" We are outside the four walls and we are serving others to the glory of God and for the sake of His kingdom. Go, church!
But my question here is simply this: "Why does it take a hurricane to get us outside those walls?" As gratified as I was on Sunday and am today, for it still continues, to see so many people doing so much good for the benefit of others, why does that seem to rise to a crescendo more in times of crisis than as a daily reality of life when 'routine' is the order of the day? Oh, I know that much genuine ministry goes on unseen by most of us on any given day. But why does it seem to rise to new heights at times like this? Should it not be this way every day for every true believer?
I love the words of Jesus in response to the question put to Him about when they saw Him a stranger and took Him in, or naked and clothed Him, or sick or in prison and visited Him. He told them very frankly that to the extent to which any of us minister to those around us in times of their need, we are actually ministering to Jesus Himself!
My heart's desire, and I hope yours as well, is to be an "everyday" servant. I don't want to wait until the next hurricane comes roaring up the eastern seaboard to kick it into gear and get busy helping others. I want to be that pro-active in the sunshine and fair weather as well. Being a Christian is about people, beloved. As I have related to you recently, 'people' is what we do! We share with them the love of God in the person of Jesus Christ and we prove that love by striving joyfully to meet their needs. We don't fit them into our busy schedules - we make them our schedules! Jesus said that for us to make sure that we "save" our lives, we must gladly "lose" them for His sake and the gospel's (Mark 8:35).
Why does it take a hurricane? Let's not wait for the next one!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The Discipline of a Joyful Life
"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
"The discipline of a joyful life" - somehow that sounds vaguely familiar, doesn't it? Oh, right, that's where we left off last week as we considered together the joy of a disciplined life (1 Timothy 4:7). Here the Apostle Paul speaks directly to the issue of, first of all, the uniqueness of Scripture, followed by a vivid description of the usefulness of Scripture as God's instrument of discipline within our lives.
First, the uniqueness of Scripture - the term "inspired" means literally God-breathed in the sense of that which comes from the heart of God Himself. That one statement alone sets the Scriptures in a category all by themselves, beloved! While it is true that many today claim that the Bible has no authority because "it was written by man," the fact is clearly that it was written by God!
And what of the usefulness of Scripture as Paul declares it here to have? First, he makes clear that the Word of God is "profitable." I really like the word useful to explain the meaning of ophelimos. You see, to be profitable or useful, the Scriptures must have a practicality that many do not like to acknowledge. In fact, too often today we are more willing to study it, even memorize it, than we are to apply it!
Second, the apostle declared that the Scriptures are useful for "teaching." Here Paul's thought is that of necessary knowledge without which we as followers of Jesus Christ will never achieve personal holiness of life. Very simply, the Word of God contains all that we will ever need to know in order to live for Christ in this present world.
Next, Paul wrote that the Word of God is profitable for "reproof." The focus of that word is upon the confrontation of error. What good is any pursuit of personal holiness, beloved, if we are never willing to have our errors pointed out to us so as to remedy them?
Then, the apostle said that the Scriptures are useful for "correction." Once any error in thought or practice is confronted, it must of necessity be corrected. Restoration to a right path is always to be every believer's goal, first for ourselves and then for one another. How sad that so many today seem eager to reveal the error but not to restore the errant!
Also, we discover in the apostle's words that the Word of God is profitable for "training in righteousness." It is the truth of God's Word itself alone that can cause us to walk righteously before God in sight of a sinful world. Nor are there any shortcuts to personal holiness, that goal being reachable only as we give ourselves completely to learning and living out the Word of God.
Finally, Paul wrote that the Scriptures are useful in seeing us "adequately equipped" for the accomplishing of the plan and purpose which God has uniquely for each of us. The words "adequate" and "equipped" are from the same root and could easily be translated outfitted completely through having been made completely fit for every good work.
But unless we are willing to learn and apply the truths of Scripture, we will never be useful to God! The joy of Jesus Christ will never be ours unless we discipline ourselves through the application of Scripture.
"The discipline of a joyful life" - somehow that sounds vaguely familiar, doesn't it? Oh, right, that's where we left off last week as we considered together the joy of a disciplined life (1 Timothy 4:7). Here the Apostle Paul speaks directly to the issue of, first of all, the uniqueness of Scripture, followed by a vivid description of the usefulness of Scripture as God's instrument of discipline within our lives.
First, the uniqueness of Scripture - the term "inspired" means literally God-breathed in the sense of that which comes from the heart of God Himself. That one statement alone sets the Scriptures in a category all by themselves, beloved! While it is true that many today claim that the Bible has no authority because "it was written by man," the fact is clearly that it was written by God!
And what of the usefulness of Scripture as Paul declares it here to have? First, he makes clear that the Word of God is "profitable." I really like the word useful to explain the meaning of ophelimos. You see, to be profitable or useful, the Scriptures must have a practicality that many do not like to acknowledge. In fact, too often today we are more willing to study it, even memorize it, than we are to apply it!
Second, the apostle declared that the Scriptures are useful for "teaching." Here Paul's thought is that of necessary knowledge without which we as followers of Jesus Christ will never achieve personal holiness of life. Very simply, the Word of God contains all that we will ever need to know in order to live for Christ in this present world.
Next, Paul wrote that the Word of God is profitable for "reproof." The focus of that word is upon the confrontation of error. What good is any pursuit of personal holiness, beloved, if we are never willing to have our errors pointed out to us so as to remedy them?
Then, the apostle said that the Scriptures are useful for "correction." Once any error in thought or practice is confronted, it must of necessity be corrected. Restoration to a right path is always to be every believer's goal, first for ourselves and then for one another. How sad that so many today seem eager to reveal the error but not to restore the errant!
Also, we discover in the apostle's words that the Word of God is profitable for "training in righteousness." It is the truth of God's Word itself alone that can cause us to walk righteously before God in sight of a sinful world. Nor are there any shortcuts to personal holiness, that goal being reachable only as we give ourselves completely to learning and living out the Word of God.
Finally, Paul wrote that the Scriptures are useful in seeing us "adequately equipped" for the accomplishing of the plan and purpose which God has uniquely for each of us. The words "adequate" and "equipped" are from the same root and could easily be translated outfitted completely through having been made completely fit for every good work.
But unless we are willing to learn and apply the truths of Scripture, we will never be useful to God! The joy of Jesus Christ will never be ours unless we discipline ourselves through the application of Scripture.
Friday, August 19, 2011
The Joy of a Disciplined Life
"But have nothing to do with worldly fables fit only for old women. On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness" (1 Timothy 4:7)
"Discipline" was not a very comforting word when I was growing up, beloved! In fact, it reminded me of those times when I would have to sit down gingerly following one of Mom or Dad's visits to my room. No, discipline was definitely not a very comforting word!
Today the same word carries for me personally thoughts of those daily trips to the Y for a good workout on the treadmill. So clearly "discipline" has a variety of meanings and experiences in our lives. But the one kind of discipline that seems to be least understood and most neglected is that of self-discipline.
Here we find the Apostle Paul exhorting young Timothy to "discipline" himself for the purpose of attaining a life of personal godliness. It is interesting that this key word comes from the original Greek word gumnazo from which we derive our English words "gymnasium" and "gymnastics." The primary meaning is that of training oneself in a certain direction. And the context of the apostle's words makes it clear also that his focus was that of spiritual discipline. Very simply, we as Christians need to establish within our lives a system of consistent spiritual discipline.
And the direction which all such self-discipline is to take is that of "godliness." The Greek word eusebeia means quite literally "well-directed reverence." It does not, however, refer to one's inner holiness but rather his outward practice of that holiness. The whole picture for the believer, then, is that of personal devotion or devoutness. Thus, our "godliness" as believers will be visible for everyone who knows us to see!
So much more could be said here about our need for self-discipline, beloved, but let's leave that for another time. Instead, why not stop right now and ask yourself how "disciplined" your daily living as a Christian is? Are you working out spiritually through such "exercises" as the study of God's Word, meaningful prayer time with God, strong friendships with people of like-minded faith, serving others through your God-given spiritual gifts, and carrying within you a burden for the lost so that you do not miss a single opportunity to share the good news of Christ with anyone? If not, may I encourage you to start "working out" today? As Paul went on to tell Timothy, such living does not only "hold promise for the present life" but also "for the life to come" (v.8).
"Discipline" was not a very comforting word when I was growing up, beloved! In fact, it reminded me of those times when I would have to sit down gingerly following one of Mom or Dad's visits to my room. No, discipline was definitely not a very comforting word!
Today the same word carries for me personally thoughts of those daily trips to the Y for a good workout on the treadmill. So clearly "discipline" has a variety of meanings and experiences in our lives. But the one kind of discipline that seems to be least understood and most neglected is that of self-discipline.
Here we find the Apostle Paul exhorting young Timothy to "discipline" himself for the purpose of attaining a life of personal godliness. It is interesting that this key word comes from the original Greek word gumnazo from which we derive our English words "gymnasium" and "gymnastics." The primary meaning is that of training oneself in a certain direction. And the context of the apostle's words makes it clear also that his focus was that of spiritual discipline. Very simply, we as Christians need to establish within our lives a system of consistent spiritual discipline.
And the direction which all such self-discipline is to take is that of "godliness." The Greek word eusebeia means quite literally "well-directed reverence." It does not, however, refer to one's inner holiness but rather his outward practice of that holiness. The whole picture for the believer, then, is that of personal devotion or devoutness. Thus, our "godliness" as believers will be visible for everyone who knows us to see!
So much more could be said here about our need for self-discipline, beloved, but let's leave that for another time. Instead, why not stop right now and ask yourself how "disciplined" your daily living as a Christian is? Are you working out spiritually through such "exercises" as the study of God's Word, meaningful prayer time with God, strong friendships with people of like-minded faith, serving others through your God-given spiritual gifts, and carrying within you a burden for the lost so that you do not miss a single opportunity to share the good news of Christ with anyone? If not, may I encourage you to start "working out" today? As Paul went on to tell Timothy, such living does not only "hold promise for the present life" but also "for the life to come" (v.8).
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The Danger of Insignificance
"But I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified" (1 Corinthians 9:27)
Speaking on a strictly personal basis, beloved, I know of no danger so great for the servant of Jesus Christ than that of becoming spiritually insignificant! And if asked, I am convinced that many of my contemporaries would rank such a danger high on their list as well. The Apostle Paul spoke indirectly of his own desire to avoid such insignificance when he wrote to the saints in Corinth concerning his need to discipline his living so as not to become himself "disqualified" in the final analysis.
This same word in the original language of the New Testament means literally "without approval" in the sense of being unacceptable. As this statement of the apostle came to mind, beloved, all that I could think about was the danger of becoming spiritually insignificant because of an undisciplined life. And to add to the graphic image here presented by Paul, note the qualifying term which precedes it - "after I have preached (or proclaimed God's truth) to others." What more devastating event could occur, then, in a Christian's life than to herald the gospel, to minister to hurting hearts, to disciple other believers, and then to fail to maintain one's own spiritual significance because of a lack of self-control?
What was the apostle's solution to such a dreaded prospect? What specifically did he determine that he needed to do within his own life? Again the original language of Scripture is even more graphic than the one we have just considered. Here the word means "strike under the eye" in the literal sense of giving oneself a black eye or figuratively of subjecting oneself to a rigorous spiritual discipline so as to remain a true and faithful servant of Jesus Christ. And to succeed in that quest is the height of spiritual significance, beloved!
As I continued, then, with my own meditative thoughts concerning this awesome truth, I came to the conclusion that to be spiritually insignificant would be to have failed to stay the course and, thus, to have failed to make an impact upon the lives of those whom the Spirit of God caused to cross my path. So in that sense, I find that I join myself wholeheartedly to the desire of the Apostle Paul - heart to heart and soul to soul - to discipline myself vigorously so that my service will show in the end to have had spiritual significance. Just some personal thoughts I wanted to share with you. May the Spirit of God lead each of you to ever be spiritually significant! Insignificance is a danger to be avoided at all cost.
Speaking on a strictly personal basis, beloved, I know of no danger so great for the servant of Jesus Christ than that of becoming spiritually insignificant! And if asked, I am convinced that many of my contemporaries would rank such a danger high on their list as well. The Apostle Paul spoke indirectly of his own desire to avoid such insignificance when he wrote to the saints in Corinth concerning his need to discipline his living so as not to become himself "disqualified" in the final analysis.
This same word in the original language of the New Testament means literally "without approval" in the sense of being unacceptable. As this statement of the apostle came to mind, beloved, all that I could think about was the danger of becoming spiritually insignificant because of an undisciplined life. And to add to the graphic image here presented by Paul, note the qualifying term which precedes it - "after I have preached (or proclaimed God's truth) to others." What more devastating event could occur, then, in a Christian's life than to herald the gospel, to minister to hurting hearts, to disciple other believers, and then to fail to maintain one's own spiritual significance because of a lack of self-control?
What was the apostle's solution to such a dreaded prospect? What specifically did he determine that he needed to do within his own life? Again the original language of Scripture is even more graphic than the one we have just considered. Here the word means "strike under the eye" in the literal sense of giving oneself a black eye or figuratively of subjecting oneself to a rigorous spiritual discipline so as to remain a true and faithful servant of Jesus Christ. And to succeed in that quest is the height of spiritual significance, beloved!
As I continued, then, with my own meditative thoughts concerning this awesome truth, I came to the conclusion that to be spiritually insignificant would be to have failed to stay the course and, thus, to have failed to make an impact upon the lives of those whom the Spirit of God caused to cross my path. So in that sense, I find that I join myself wholeheartedly to the desire of the Apostle Paul - heart to heart and soul to soul - to discipline myself vigorously so that my service will show in the end to have had spiritual significance. Just some personal thoughts I wanted to share with you. May the Spirit of God lead each of you to ever be spiritually significant! Insignificance is a danger to be avoided at all cost.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
People Are What We Do
"Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others" (Philippians 2:3-4)
Until I read my son's most recent blog post, beloved, I had no idea what the Spirit of God was leading me to write for my own blog this week. Just a short while ago I remembered that I had received an e-notice of his post and I took the time just a few moments ago to read it. Then I went back and read it again. One illustration that he used spoke a precious truth to my heart so powerfully that I want to share it with you. Ready? People are what we do! As Christians all that we do in following Jesus Christ is all about people. Do yourself a favor and visit Jerry's blog site and read his latest post carefully. I will try to remember to include his blog address at the end of this devotional.
In his blog post Jerry suggested that we visit a store that sells gold fish and other varieties of tropical fish. He said for us to go to the most crowded tank that we can find and try to single out one of the fish in that tank and keep our eye on it as it swims about. Then he added this wonderful challenge: turn around quickly one time and then try to reconnect with that same fish you had just been watching!
What is the point? The point to me is that we need to learn to make people our focus in life. Not church committee meetings. Not choir practice. Not programs. But people! Unfortunately, as we have all learned the hard way, our lives as Christians become so busy that we "lose sight" of the very people to whom we are supposed to be ministering the love of Jesus Christ (remember spinning around in front of the fish tank?). We get so tied up with schedules and agendas that we forget all about people!
The Apostle Paul must have faced the same problem with the church in his day because of what is recorded above that he wrote to the saints in Philippi - regard one another as more important than yourself. I dare you to try to carry out that command of God, beloved, without really focusing intimately upon people! Dare I say it again? People are what we do! Success in ministry can't be gauged by budget line items or packed pews or great choirs or (shut my mouth!) gifted preachers. It can only be gauged by the impact that we make on the lives of people one person at a time and one day at a time.
I really don't have a handy ending to this devotional, beloved, so let me wrap it up by once again reminding you even as I remind myself as one who stands regularly in a pulpit that people are what we do. So take a good look around you. Take a good look at your church. Then ask yourself this question: "What eternal differences are we making in the lives of people in our community?" Answer that question honestly and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.
By the way, Jerry's blog site address is jerrythinks.wordpress.com. I invite you to check it out and read the entire article. It will speak to your heart!
Until I read my son's most recent blog post, beloved, I had no idea what the Spirit of God was leading me to write for my own blog this week. Just a short while ago I remembered that I had received an e-notice of his post and I took the time just a few moments ago to read it. Then I went back and read it again. One illustration that he used spoke a precious truth to my heart so powerfully that I want to share it with you. Ready? People are what we do! As Christians all that we do in following Jesus Christ is all about people. Do yourself a favor and visit Jerry's blog site and read his latest post carefully. I will try to remember to include his blog address at the end of this devotional.
In his blog post Jerry suggested that we visit a store that sells gold fish and other varieties of tropical fish. He said for us to go to the most crowded tank that we can find and try to single out one of the fish in that tank and keep our eye on it as it swims about. Then he added this wonderful challenge: turn around quickly one time and then try to reconnect with that same fish you had just been watching!
What is the point? The point to me is that we need to learn to make people our focus in life. Not church committee meetings. Not choir practice. Not programs. But people! Unfortunately, as we have all learned the hard way, our lives as Christians become so busy that we "lose sight" of the very people to whom we are supposed to be ministering the love of Jesus Christ (remember spinning around in front of the fish tank?). We get so tied up with schedules and agendas that we forget all about people!

The Apostle Paul must have faced the same problem with the church in his day because of what is recorded above that he wrote to the saints in Philippi - regard one another as more important than yourself. I dare you to try to carry out that command of God, beloved, without really focusing intimately upon people! Dare I say it again? People are what we do! Success in ministry can't be gauged by budget line items or packed pews or great choirs or (shut my mouth!) gifted preachers. It can only be gauged by the impact that we make on the lives of people one person at a time and one day at a time.
I really don't have a handy ending to this devotional, beloved, so let me wrap it up by once again reminding you even as I remind myself as one who stands regularly in a pulpit that people are what we do. So take a good look around you. Take a good look at your church. Then ask yourself this question: "What eternal differences are we making in the lives of people in our community?" Answer that question honestly and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.
By the way, Jerry's blog site address is jerrythinks.wordpress.com. I invite you to check it out and read the entire article. It will speak to your heart!
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