"Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart" (Psalm 37:4)
Think with me about the last time you stopped by the drive-through window at the bank, beloved, and made a deposit into your account. You were helping to secure your financial situation with that deposit, right? I mean, how long would you last if you only withdrew but never deposited?
Why is it, then, that such a reality of life can be so blatantly obvious to us in the physical realm, but not in the spiritual realm? The psalmist writes here about our need to "delight" ourselves in the Lord. The Hebrew word chephets is rich with meaning! It refers to anything that is "dainty" to the point of being exquisite. When applied figuratively to one's relationship with God, it reveals how precious to us that relationship must become. It must become to us the exquisite delight of our hearts! Albert Barnes, the 19th century Presbyterian pastor and theologian, described it this way:
"The meaning here is, that we should seek our happiness in God - in his being, his perfections, his friendship, his love" (Barnes' Notes on the Old Testament: Psalms, Volume I, p. 319)
For us to "delight" ourselves in the Lord, then, is for Him to become to us the grand treasure of our lives. And as our highest treasure, we will make His standard of righteousness our own. We will not chafe under His sovereign rule over our lives, but will love what He loves, want what He wants, and pursue His heart's desire for our good. Such yielding of ourselves to Him will be the "delightful deposits" that we place gladly under His control!
And what will the outcome be? This verse of Scripture is what is known as an "apodosis," a word from Greek that speaks of a "giving back." When we meet a condition, God gives back in return. In other words, there will be divine dividends! But how can God possibly make such a lavish promise to us, beloved? Are we not, after all, still prone to selfishness in living? To pledge to give to us the desires of our hearts is a sweeping promise, indeed! Listen to what Barnes went on to say about such dividends in that same passage:
"The fact that you seek your happiness in him will regulate your desires, so that you will be disposed to ask only those things which it will be proper for him to grant; and the fact that you do find your happiness in him will be a reason why he will grant your desires"
God knows that, when we truly "delight" ourselves in Him in living from day to day, we will naturally seek only those things that will bring honor and glory to His name. To ask selfishly is to not be delighting ourselves in Him at all! Thus, the dividends fit the deposits, beloved, and the result is that God is glorified and we are enriched spiritually.
Is your delight in the Lord today? I sure hope so! Only as we each determine to "deposit" our lives for His glory will we truly show our world that He is our delightful treasure. And only as He is our delightful treasure will we know the divine dividends that only God can give.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
When God's Books Are Opened
"And books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds" (Revelation 20:12b)
We all know only too well what is meant when we hear that some high-level corporate figure has been caught "juggling the books," don't we, beloved? It means that someone has been embezzling from the company and has readjusted the financial records to make it look as if all is well.
Did you know that the Bible teaches us about God's "books," beloved? Oh, yes! God not only keeps books, but He keeps them meticulously! In the case of His books, however, God is not recording financial profit and loss by the calendar quarter, but rather the deeds of unsaved mankind by the occurrence. The books about which the Apostle John has written here are God's own perfectly accurate record of every thought, word, and deed of every unsaved person who has ever lived. You see, at that awesome "white throne" judgment of God (found described in this passage) sinners will be judged according to the perfect standard of God's own holiness. And the outcome of that judgment for every man is already known:
"For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23)
God's divine justice requires payment for every person's sins, for every occurrence of any person who has "fallen short of the glory of God." And the penalty for having fallen short in this life will on that day be eternal destruction in the lake of fire (2 Thessalonians 1:9). God's "books" are always right, beloved, and they cannot and will not be "juggled" to any man's benefit!
But John also stated in this verse that "another book was opened," what is known as the book of life. This book contains all of the names of the citizens of heaven, all of those men and women and boys and girls who will have been purchased by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Very simply, those who have the most to fear on that day will not have to worry about what is in that book, but rather by what is not. John declares emphatically that if any man's name is not found written in the book of life, he will be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:15).
So what do these "books" have to do with each other, the ones containing the detailed account of our living and the one containing the names of earth's redeemed? Hear God's justice, beloved! The records in the former will prove conclusively, as God's Word says of us, that we are all sinners and stand condemned before holy God. And the latter, the book of life, will bear evidence to the fact that we chose never to turn in genuine sorrow and repentance to the only One who could save us so as to receive God's mercy and His forgiveness. Perhaps the most chilling words of all will be spoken on that day by Jesus Himself when, in response to the claims of alleged goodness by some, He will declare forever: "I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness" (Matthew 7:23).
Is your name recorded in the book of life, beloved? Have you in faith turned to Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, for eternal cleansing and for life everlasting? If so, then what is written in the books of man's sinful deeds has been washed away by the precious blood of the Lamb of God. You stand in Christ as one of His forgiven and will know only God's eternal love and acceptance. If your name is not there, however, I urge you not to count on any moral or religious "juggling" that you may attempt to do, but rather come to the only One who can save you from sin and its penalty for all eternity.
We all know only too well what is meant when we hear that some high-level corporate figure has been caught "juggling the books," don't we, beloved? It means that someone has been embezzling from the company and has readjusted the financial records to make it look as if all is well.
Did you know that the Bible teaches us about God's "books," beloved? Oh, yes! God not only keeps books, but He keeps them meticulously! In the case of His books, however, God is not recording financial profit and loss by the calendar quarter, but rather the deeds of unsaved mankind by the occurrence. The books about which the Apostle John has written here are God's own perfectly accurate record of every thought, word, and deed of every unsaved person who has ever lived. You see, at that awesome "white throne" judgment of God (found described in this passage) sinners will be judged according to the perfect standard of God's own holiness. And the outcome of that judgment for every man is already known:
"For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23)
God's divine justice requires payment for every person's sins, for every occurrence of any person who has "fallen short of the glory of God." And the penalty for having fallen short in this life will on that day be eternal destruction in the lake of fire (2 Thessalonians 1:9). God's "books" are always right, beloved, and they cannot and will not be "juggled" to any man's benefit!
But John also stated in this verse that "another book was opened," what is known as the book of life. This book contains all of the names of the citizens of heaven, all of those men and women and boys and girls who will have been purchased by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Very simply, those who have the most to fear on that day will not have to worry about what is in that book, but rather by what is not. John declares emphatically that if any man's name is not found written in the book of life, he will be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:15).
So what do these "books" have to do with each other, the ones containing the detailed account of our living and the one containing the names of earth's redeemed? Hear God's justice, beloved! The records in the former will prove conclusively, as God's Word says of us, that we are all sinners and stand condemned before holy God. And the latter, the book of life, will bear evidence to the fact that we chose never to turn in genuine sorrow and repentance to the only One who could save us so as to receive God's mercy and His forgiveness. Perhaps the most chilling words of all will be spoken on that day by Jesus Himself when, in response to the claims of alleged goodness by some, He will declare forever: "I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness" (Matthew 7:23).
Is your name recorded in the book of life, beloved? Have you in faith turned to Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, for eternal cleansing and for life everlasting? If so, then what is written in the books of man's sinful deeds has been washed away by the precious blood of the Lamb of God. You stand in Christ as one of His forgiven and will know only God's eternal love and acceptance. If your name is not there, however, I urge you not to count on any moral or religious "juggling" that you may attempt to do, but rather come to the only One who can save you from sin and its penalty for all eternity.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
What Kind of Food Are You Eating?
"Meanwhile the disciples were urging Him, saying, 'Rabbi, eat.' But He said to them, 'I have food to eat that you do not know about'...Jesus said to them, 'My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work'" (John 4:31-32, 34)
If you had asked me this question several months ago, beloved, I would have had to sheepishly admit that I had not always eaten what was nourishing and good for me. That practice is now thankfully gone and I am hopefully on the right track where food is concerned.
The disciples had taken the time to travel into the Samaritan village of Sychar to buy food for themselves as well as for their Master. When they returned to Jacob's well, however, and tried to get Him to eat some of the fare they had brought back with them, He refused it and said the strangest thing to them: "I have food to eat that you do not know about." It wasn't until they belabored the point by asking whether perhaps someone else might have brought Him something to eat that He revealed to them that the "food" about which He spoke was nothing less than busying Himself with doing the Father's will.
Sharing the good news of His coming sacrifice with the Samaritan woman was to Jesus like eating a 7-course dinner! It refreshed Him and rejuvenated His weary body. It blessed His spirit and strengthened Him for greater work that lay ahead. His focus was clearly not on whatever they might have brought back with them, but rather on the needs of those whom He met along the roadway of life.
What a wonderful example He is to us in this regard today, beloved! Sometimes as Christians our gaze is set so rigidly upon ourselves - our needs, our dreams, our desires - that we miss the opportunities to feast on the manna of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with those who cross our paths. That is precisely why He urged them to "lift up" their eyes and see what was right in front of them. People from Sychar were already on their way to Jacob's well, having heard the news from the woman that she had discovered the Messiah. Those people would need that good news and it would be the privilege of the disciples to share it with them. The disciples did not understand, beloved, but they were just about to feast on the food of heaven! They were about to have their spirits refreshed and their batteries recharged as well.
What kind of food are you eating, beloved? If it is from the world's menu, then know this - in short order you will hunger and thirst again for nothing that the devil has can satisfy. In fact, all of his dishes are empty! But the one who follows the example of Jesus and chooses as his daily fare the carrying out of the Father's will for his life will discover spiritual nourishing that satisfies completely and eternally. Reach out and touch someone in the name of Jesus, beloved. And as you do, enjoy your food!
If you had asked me this question several months ago, beloved, I would have had to sheepishly admit that I had not always eaten what was nourishing and good for me. That practice is now thankfully gone and I am hopefully on the right track where food is concerned.
The disciples had taken the time to travel into the Samaritan village of Sychar to buy food for themselves as well as for their Master. When they returned to Jacob's well, however, and tried to get Him to eat some of the fare they had brought back with them, He refused it and said the strangest thing to them: "I have food to eat that you do not know about." It wasn't until they belabored the point by asking whether perhaps someone else might have brought Him something to eat that He revealed to them that the "food" about which He spoke was nothing less than busying Himself with doing the Father's will.
Sharing the good news of His coming sacrifice with the Samaritan woman was to Jesus like eating a 7-course dinner! It refreshed Him and rejuvenated His weary body. It blessed His spirit and strengthened Him for greater work that lay ahead. His focus was clearly not on whatever they might have brought back with them, but rather on the needs of those whom He met along the roadway of life.
What a wonderful example He is to us in this regard today, beloved! Sometimes as Christians our gaze is set so rigidly upon ourselves - our needs, our dreams, our desires - that we miss the opportunities to feast on the manna of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with those who cross our paths. That is precisely why He urged them to "lift up" their eyes and see what was right in front of them. People from Sychar were already on their way to Jacob's well, having heard the news from the woman that she had discovered the Messiah. Those people would need that good news and it would be the privilege of the disciples to share it with them. The disciples did not understand, beloved, but they were just about to feast on the food of heaven! They were about to have their spirits refreshed and their batteries recharged as well.
What kind of food are you eating, beloved? If it is from the world's menu, then know this - in short order you will hunger and thirst again for nothing that the devil has can satisfy. In fact, all of his dishes are empty! But the one who follows the example of Jesus and chooses as his daily fare the carrying out of the Father's will for his life will discover spiritual nourishing that satisfies completely and eternally. Reach out and touch someone in the name of Jesus, beloved. And as you do, enjoy your food!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The Robe, the Ring, the Sandals and the Fattened Calf
"But the father said to his slaves, 'Quickly bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet; and bring the fattened calf, kill it, and let us eat and be merry'" (Luke 15:22-23)
No more tender story was ever uttered by the Lord Jesus Christ than this one, beloved! Believers from every generation have plumbed its depths again and again and still it discloses to us the most precious truths about the nature of God and His love for fallen man. Just look once again with me at the response of the father to his son's return and you will see how God feels about you.
The robe: Once he had run down the road to meet his returning son, the father gave the command to his servants that "the best robe" be brought from the house and placed around his shoulders over those tattered sin-stained garments he had worn for so long. The robe was a symbol of his sonship, his full acceptance back into the family as a true son. For us today as Christians, we are immediately clothed in the "robe" of the righteousness of Jesus Christ at the very instant that we humbly repent of our sins and turn in faith to the Savior.
The ring: I believe that the ring that was brought and put on that young man's finger was a signet ring bearing the family crest and used to authenticate business documents signed on behalf of the family. That dad bestowed upon his wayward son that day the symbol of full authority as a member of the family in good standing. As Christians today we wear the "ring" of the authority of Jesus Christ as we represent Him in our world. I have heard the term "King's kids" often used over the years to describe believers and it is an apt term, indeed!
The sandals: Whatever may have been on that young man's feet when he left home were long gone, having worn away and been discarded with his travels in a devil's sinful world. Barefoot at last, he returned to his father and instantly received the sandals of a free man. You see, only slaves went barefoot in that day and, though the son felt that he deserved only to be made a servant in the household, the father would have none of it. His forgiveness set his son free to be his son again! As sons and daughters of God, beloved, through faith in Jesus Christ we have been declared to be free from the bondage and penalty of sin and have been welcomed fully into God's family.
The fattened calf: Robed, ringed, sandaled and welcomed - what else remained except for all of them to make merry with a great banquet celebration? And that is precisely what they did! It was "shouting time" for them and they made the most of it. God's Word teaches us that there is great joy in heaven over one sinner who genuinely repents (vv. 7, 10). The marriage supper of the Lamb is coming, beloved, (Revelation 19:7-10) and we who are His own by grace will wear the garment of righteousness as we make merry with the King of Kings.
All that the father of the prodigal did for him, God has done and will do for you and me and more! So great is His love, so vast His desire to forgive that if we take but one step of true repentance in the direction of home, He will meet us out on the road! We are the beloved of God and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself is the measure of just how much we are loved.
No more tender story was ever uttered by the Lord Jesus Christ than this one, beloved! Believers from every generation have plumbed its depths again and again and still it discloses to us the most precious truths about the nature of God and His love for fallen man. Just look once again with me at the response of the father to his son's return and you will see how God feels about you.
The robe: Once he had run down the road to meet his returning son, the father gave the command to his servants that "the best robe" be brought from the house and placed around his shoulders over those tattered sin-stained garments he had worn for so long. The robe was a symbol of his sonship, his full acceptance back into the family as a true son. For us today as Christians, we are immediately clothed in the "robe" of the righteousness of Jesus Christ at the very instant that we humbly repent of our sins and turn in faith to the Savior.
The ring: I believe that the ring that was brought and put on that young man's finger was a signet ring bearing the family crest and used to authenticate business documents signed on behalf of the family. That dad bestowed upon his wayward son that day the symbol of full authority as a member of the family in good standing. As Christians today we wear the "ring" of the authority of Jesus Christ as we represent Him in our world. I have heard the term "King's kids" often used over the years to describe believers and it is an apt term, indeed!
The sandals: Whatever may have been on that young man's feet when he left home were long gone, having worn away and been discarded with his travels in a devil's sinful world. Barefoot at last, he returned to his father and instantly received the sandals of a free man. You see, only slaves went barefoot in that day and, though the son felt that he deserved only to be made a servant in the household, the father would have none of it. His forgiveness set his son free to be his son again! As sons and daughters of God, beloved, through faith in Jesus Christ we have been declared to be free from the bondage and penalty of sin and have been welcomed fully into God's family.
The fattened calf: Robed, ringed, sandaled and welcomed - what else remained except for all of them to make merry with a great banquet celebration? And that is precisely what they did! It was "shouting time" for them and they made the most of it. God's Word teaches us that there is great joy in heaven over one sinner who genuinely repents (vv. 7, 10). The marriage supper of the Lamb is coming, beloved, (Revelation 19:7-10) and we who are His own by grace will wear the garment of righteousness as we make merry with the King of Kings.
All that the father of the prodigal did for him, God has done and will do for you and me and more! So great is His love, so vast His desire to forgive that if we take but one step of true repentance in the direction of home, He will meet us out on the road! We are the beloved of God and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself is the measure of just how much we are loved.
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