Thursday, September 30, 2010

Recognizing That Heaven Rules

"And in that it was commanded to leave the stump with the roots of the tree, your kingdom will be assured to you after you recognize that it is Heaven that rules" (Daniel 4:26)

IT IS HEAVEN THAT RULES! Now there is a statement that is the most far-reaching and life-impacting in all of the Word of God, beloved! When Daniel spoke those words to Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, as he interpreted one of the king's dreams for him, he was speaking on behalf of the Creator of the universe. Nebuchadnezzar was having one of his "I am the greatest!" fits and God had determined that it was time for him to learn at long last who truly "rules" in heaven and on earth. And, true to His word, when the king continued to bask in the glory of his own grandeur, God spoke the word that sent him into the pastures to eat grass with the royal cattle. And there he stayed until at last he could stand on his two feet again as a man and declare to all the world:

"Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, exalt, praise, and honor the King of heaven; for all His works are true and His ways just, and He is able to humble those who walk in pride" (4:37)

IT IS HEAVEN THAT RULES! If ever a divine truth needed to be echoed again and again across the length and breadth of Planet Earth, beloved, this is that truth. We have become inundated with the teaching that man stands at the center of the universe, that man is the focal point of all that is life, that there is no Creator, that this world exists solely by chance and for man. No wonder that so many people live their lives today, then, by the same philosophy that ruled the life of the king of Babylon!

IT IS HEAVEN THAT RULES! No one said it any better than the king himself, beloved, once he had learned just who the one true God truly is. His declaration put it all into the right perspective for us today:

"All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, but He does according to His will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and no one can ward off His hand or say to Him, 'What have You done?'" (4:35)

IT IS HEAVEN THAT RULES! Whether man today wants to acknowledge this divine truth or not, beloved, it stands just the same. We each stand before Creator God in full accountability to Him, the One who rules and reigns over all that is, has ever been, or ever will be. If the king of Babylon, the most powerful man on earth in his day, could be driven to eat grass with the cattle for seven years, what do you think will be the result of our foolishness and pride today?

IT IS HEAVEN THAT RULES! I find in that reality the single greatest source of comfort and security that is imaginable, beloved. God holds my life and your life in the hollow of His omniscient hand. He moves us here and there at His good pleasure and for His personal glory. It is our destiny in this life and our great privilege to serve and honor the One who made us and whose own possessions we are by grace. Unless we begin to live in a manner that will "exalt, praise, and honor the King of heaven" (v.37), we will find out to our utter dismay how completely "He is able to humble those who walk in pride"!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sticking to It in a Non-stick World

"Therefore, we ourselves speak proudly of you among the churches of God for your perseverance and faith in the midst of all your persecutions and afflictions which you endure" (2 Thessalonians 1:4)

How many of you remember when Teflon was first introduced to America's kitchens, beloved? How cool was that to watch fried eggs and pancakes slide off a tilted cooking surface and onto your waiting breakfast plate? No doubt "non-stick" has been one of the most far-reaching and practical inventions of the mind of man!

Unfortunately, we seem also to have found a way to introduce Teflon into our spiritual lives as well. How vividly I recall hearing a preacher say one time concerning Paul's term "living sacrifice" (Romans 12:1) that the only problem with a "living sacrifice" is that it wants to keep crawling off the altar! That same thing can be said of the "non-stick" quality that the lives of many professing Christians exhibit in living for Jesus Christ today. Simply put, we seem to have a problem staying put! In his second recorded letter to the saints in Thessalonica, the apostle joyfully spoke of his boasting to others concerning the Thessalonians' "perseverance" in the midst of much persecution and affliction. The Greek word hupomone means literally "an abiding under" and focuses specifically upon one's patience under trial. While it is true that today the word "patience" often brings to mind something passive - just sitting there, so to speak - nothing could actually be any further from the truth.

In this verse Paul mentioned the "persecutions and afflictions which you endure." The Greek verb anecho means "hold up" in the sense of them holding themselves "upright" in their faithfulness to the call of God and in their trust in Him despite horrible living circumstances. In the midst of intense hostility aimed at them by the enemies of the gospel and its accompanying painful suffering, the Thessalonians had chosen to "stick to it" and to serve Jesus Christ unashamedly and faithfully.

How much Teflon has gotten mixed into your living today, beloved? Do you tend to "slide" spiritually from here to there? Paul had this very spiritual instability in mind when he spoke to the Ephesian believers concerning their being "tossed here and there" (4:14) by the false teachings of men and the pressures of trying to stick to it in a non-stick world. Today more than at any other time in the history of the church of Jesus Christ, the world needs to see believers who "stick to it"! Let's leave the Teflon in our cookware, beloved, and just determine to hold fast no matter what.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Don't Cut Satan Any Slack!

"And don't give the devil an opportunity" (Ephesians 4:27)

"Cut me some slack!" How many times have you ever heard that, beloved, or even said it yourself? One early use of this term was by mountain climbers who used ropes for ascending and descending heights. Sometimes when roped together, one climber might need some space to move around or reach another level, so would say to the one controlling from above or below: "Cut me some slack!"

Metaphorically, then, the term has come to mean to give space for something. Here in the words of the Apostle Paul to the believers in the city of Ephesus, we find him writing to them about the importance of not giving way to unrighteous anger in their daily living. To that end, he cautioned them against unwittingly "giving the devil an opportunity" in their lives. The word translated "opportunity" is the Greek topos from which we derive our English word "topography." The word literally means "a place" and has been applied by Dr. Spiros Zodhiates as used here by Paul to mean "to give place to" or more simply "to make room."

Whenever we do not follow the leading of God's Spirit and live by His Word, beloved, we unintentionally "make room" for Satan to operate in our lives. I have heard it used to mean giving the devil room to operate. That is an excellent translation and is the intended meaning here by the apostle. He was warning the Ephesian saints not to make room for the devil in their living, not to "cut him some slack" and, thus, room to move about. So how do we as Christians make sure that we do not ever give the devil any room to operate in our lives, no opportunities to work against the plan and purpose of God? Consider what this same apostle wrote to the believers in Philippi about guarding themselves spiritually:

"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things" (Philippians 4:8)

As followers of Jesus Christ, we do not ever "back off and cut some slack" to the devil! We need to set our minds and hearts on the things that Paul mentioned to the saints in Philippi, beloved, to guard our thoughts and our hearts from Satan's ever-vigilant efforts to worm his way in and lead us astray. Whether it is unrighteous anger or the physical enticements of this lost and condemned world-system, we who are Christians need to post "No Trespassing!" signs around our lives and be always alert for the devil's attempts to invade our holy living and lead us astray.

Don't give the devil an opportunity! Stay in constant touch with the indwelling Spirit of God and allow Him to control every thought, word, and deed. Practice the Lordship of Jesus Christ, beloved, and Satan will never be able to mount an offensive that will steal you away from the One who rightfully rules in your life.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

I Have to Give Thanks for What?

"Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Here we go again, everyone! One more time back to the well of the Word in a glorious howbeit brief challenge from the heart of the Apostle Paul! And this time we encounter an issue over which much confusion seems to have reigned within the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Are we really supposed to give thanks when bad stuff happens to us?

D. Edmond Hiebert has labeled Paul's exhortation here "a startling injunction." For many believers it is more of a "struggling" injunction, one in which they have assumed that they are expected by God to quite literally give thanks for everything that comes along, no matter how painful or heartbreaking it might be. What we discover, however, is that it is in coming to better understand the qualifying term "in everything" that the cloud of confusion is lifted and our muddled thinking and erroneous conclusions are cleared up. The Greek preposition en ("in") points to the actual circumstances in which we find ourselves when called upon to be thankful. I prefer the translation "in connection with everything" when it comes to understanding just what the apostle is saying. Very simply, beloved, Paul was not exhorting the Thessalonian believers to give thanks "for" every circumstance that they encountered, but rather "in the midst of" those circumstances.

And how is it possible for us to be truly thankful whenever we face mountainous obstacles in life that threaten our peace of heart and mind? I can almost hear someone somewhere saying, "You just have no idea what I have been through!" Nor is what the apostle is saying here trying to minimize anyone's suffering, beloved. What his exhortation seeks to do is to draw our attention away from staring at the particular issue we face, like Peter on the water not looking at the waves but at Jesus, and onto the glorious promise of God concerning whatever it is that we face:

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28)

So it will not be in the removal of the particular trial of life that we will find the ability to give thanks, beloved, but rather in the realization that, whatever it is, God is at work in and through it for our good and for His ultimate glory. As Hiebert has so wonderfully written about such a prospect:

"When we realize that God works all things out for good to those who love Him and are yielded to His will, thanksgiving under all circumstances becomes a glorious possibility" (The Thessalonian Epistles, p.242)

Genuine gratitude is the response of the redeemed heart, then, to the realization that God is in control and is working through all of life for our good and His glory. Be thankful in everything, beloved! A wondering world is watching.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

White Knuckles on the Back of the Pew

"And when we had all fallen to the ground, I heard a voice saying to me in the Hebrew dialect, 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads'" (Acts 26:14)

We've all seen it, beloved, if we've ever stood next to anyone in church during the altar call. You can always tell those with whom the Spirit of God may be dealing because they develop a syndrome that evangelists from my boyhood days used to call "white knuckles." The term came from the practice of gripping the pew in front of you while you listened to the preacher's invitation for you to make a decision for Christ. Usually those "white knuckles" indicated that you were doing your best not to step out and yield yourself to His will for your life!

Did you know that Saul of Tarsus himself experienced his own version of "white knuckles on the back of the pew," beloved? When Jesus knocked him to the ground on the Damascus road, Paul later reported that the Master said to him, 'It is hard for you to kick against the goads." A "goad" was a stick sharpened on one end and often covered with metal. The animal driver would walk beside the ox and would as needed "jab" the hapless animal in the rump if he should slow down or refuse to pull the load. To "kick against the goads," then, was the action of that stubborn animal continually refusing to yield to it and just do the work he was set into the traces to do.

So what did Jesus mean when He addressed these words intended for animals to a man, to Saul of Tarsus? For the one who does not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, it refers primarily to resisting the prompting of the Holy Spirit to walk the path that leads to redemption. Saul thought that he was on the way to Damascus to arrest more Christians and hopefully to bring to an end fledgling Christianity, but God had put him on that road for an entirely different reason. Saul was on the Damascus road to meet Jesus Christ face to face! The Spirit of God had clearly been at work in this man's heart for some time, yet he continued every day to "kick against the goads." It was only when God put him on his face with a mouthful of dust that Saul relented and asked (Acts 22:10), "What shall I do, Lord?" And the rest, as they say, is history!

For you and me today as followers of Jesus Christ, beloved, to "kick against the goads" is to resist the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives in any way whatsoever. It is to grip the back of the pew so hard that our knuckles turn white as we choose for ourselves and refuse to bend our will to His divine purpose. It is, finally, to refuse to the Lord Jesus Christ the sovereign right that He has to rule over us. For so many professing Christians today, then, to be "saved" means little more than that they are forgiven and on their way to heaven, but that in the meantime they are free to go their own way, make their own choices, and do their own thing. It is to them as if God has saved them, patted them on the head like good little children, and then sent them out into the "backyard" of this world to play until He calls them for supper - the marriage supper of the Lamb!

The stubborn ox of Paul's day found life so much easier when he simply accepted his place in the traces and carried out what his master had given to him to do. He avoided the painful "goad" when he chose to do things his master's way! And much more like that stubborn ox than we care to admit, we too find that life is not only so much better, but that we are far more effective in living for Christ whenever we too "accept the traces" of His Lordship over us. Does God carry a big "goad"? You bet! And He is not afraid to use it when we force His hand.

"All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it produces the peaceful fruit of righteousness" (Hebrews 12:11)

So it is hard for us to kick against the goads! And it is pointless as well. It accomplishes nothing in our lives but to cause us to get in God's way and to endanger our walk with Him and to hinder His kingdom's purpose in and through our lives. Look down at your hands right now, beloved. See any "white knuckles"? Let go! Learn to simply yield yourself to the Master's gentle hand and go wherever He leads.
